Constructed out of wire armatures, newspaper, masking tape and graphite, Rune's sculptures are an example of unconventional media being put to amazing use. Beyond that, they explore themes of homosexuality between animals, and how it relates to us as humans.
"In my sculptures I transform powerful images into sculptures that interweave personal narrative, with social issues. Made from newspaper and tape, which I refer to as “social materials,” everybody can equally access these materials; I cover each sculpture in expressive and abstract graphite markings. The contrast between the methodical binding of materials and the abruptness of the mark making suggests physicality as sensual and destructive. The intimacy of the figures’ interaction is agitated by the presence of the viewer. I am interested in how the viewer relates to the sculptures as either participant or voyeur. With this juxtaposition, I seek to reveal the corporeal and mental boundaries of desire"
More of his works can be found here **Please be aware that some material is of a graphic nature**