May 08, 2006 17:13
having a hard time, worst time ive had in a long long time. I haven't been this bad sence last winter, and I know i never talked to anyone about what happend last winter, the closest I came to talking about it at all to was Ally when we where in PEI, and I dont think i've been so bad sence that whole thing. I dont know... i dont feel ok, but ill be fine im sure. ill work through it, i just feel really low.
i had an amazing week end in green wood though, last night was just a big blow out thats making me feel well scared shitless tbh. aww well, like i said, ill be fine, it could be alot worse, i just hate this feeling of heart pain and tight chestedness and constant fear and worry and blah. well, talk soon, bye
[edit] in all my rambling i forgot to menchin, my cat might have to be put down, i know the animal drama never ceses with me, and there nomrally perfectly healthy, just a string of bad luck I guesse. So yes, thats added on top of the above