Feb 22, 2009 21:10
I am a horrible parent. Ok, not really, but I feel that way at the moment. Here's what happened. We've been having to supplement formula due to a downturn in the breast milk supply line (I blame the economy) and since Joseph seems to run better on premixed rather than dry, we've been using premixed. However, because premixed is cheaper if you get it concentrated, we've been getting the concentrated stuff and adding filtered water per the instructions. But somehow we accidentally bought the non-concentrated stuff last time and - since the container looks almost exactly like the concentrated stuff - we've been giving our poor little munchkin watered-down formula for at least two days, maybe more. I noticed yesterday that he looked a little out of sorts, but I attributed it to the weather and possibly an upcoming cold. Now I know that he just didn't have the nutrients to be at his munchkinly best. I know that it's an honest mistake, but I feel like a complete ass, and I just thought I'd tell the world about it.
- Zohar S.E.