Oct 26, 2008 08:16
Yesterday I went on an ATV ride sponsored by my work and I invited my wife and my mother and her boyfriend along for the fun. Without going into details or harping on the fact that you NEVER hit your brakes coming out of a turn because you could cause an accident, my mother's boyfriend hit his brakes coming out of an especially dangerous turn with me right behind him. I suppose that if I were a more experienced rider I'd have been able to swerve around him, but I wasn't and I didn't. Instead, I hit my brakes and flipped over.
So now I'm in a bit of pain. I suppose it could have been worse. My left leg feels like it was used as a baseball bat, my right shoulder is sore, and a couple of my ribs are either broken or just really badly bruised. I'm rooting for just bruised. In the mean time, Oxycodone is my new best friend.
On the munchkin front, Joseph's cutting a tooth and eating blended solid foods. He really likes sweet potatoes, bananas, and apples. While he's not too fond of sweet peas, we get him to eat a container once a day anyway. Currently he's snoozing on my arm. I'm really behind in posting pictures, but I'm getting caught up and I should have some good eating pictures up soon.
- Zohar S.E.