004 - [Locked to Maverick Hunters: Zero, Axl; unhackable]

Apr 10, 2008 20:44

[ooc: This is backdated to April 10th for genderswap lulz.]

Zero, Axl, we need to discuss and make some decisions about what we're going to do now. Things have quieted down here in Tetha since the riots, but we can't just stay here indefinitely. Besides, I only rented this apartment for a month, anyway.We can't just relax here, as nice as it ( Read more... )

zero, alliances, axl

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sclassedge April 14 2008, 07:00:06 UTC
...speaking with this DATS organization may be a good start. There's a lot of them, and it could be good to have some resources at our back. Plus, in the end, our goals are the same.

But, these "evil" Mega Men are also our concern... it's connected to us whether we like it or not.


variabletamer April 14 2008, 07:40:28 UTC
I think we should approach DATS as well. They've also got the support of an area leader through the Royal Base. They'd have more reliable information about what's going on than we could scrounge up ourselves.

There's also that Kurata to consider - the guy who killed Hououmon and caused the riots. DATS members seem to know the most about him.

Yes, it is. I know things are awkward between us and my four would-be protectors, but those Mega Men are enslaving their future selves. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, let alone four who are more or less my relatives.

I know Harpuia's extended an offer of alliance with us. It might be a good idea to take him up on it.


sclassedge April 15 2008, 01:07:40 UTC
Exactly, which is why at least approaching them to start with might be a good idea. Especially since, like you said, there is the issue of this... "Kurata."

Crazy mad scientists is kind of a sore spot here, to start with, and if he can set off something of that scale, and has the power to kill someone like Hououmon... He needs to be stopped as soon as possible.

In truth, the only one that REALLY bothers me is Phantom. Harpuia, Leviathan, and Fefnir actually seemed to be trying to stop him when he took off with you, so... it's worth thinking about, at least, if we can just keep the ninja in check.


variabletamer April 15 2008, 02:04:11 UTC
True. Mad scientists have a tendency to only escalate their actions the longer they remain unchecked.

I'm sure there are probably lots of others hunting him down, but with the power he has to kill an area leader with one shot, he's going to be very hard to stop.

Maybe it's more awkward for me, dealing with them, since they showed up so suddenly and treat me formally so often. At least Harpuia, Leviathan, and Fefnir aren't always calling me 'Master', or with honorifics tagged onto my name.

But you're right. Phantom doesn't seem to play well with others. He doesn't seem very good at socializing in general. He'd probably be easier to get along with, and not do such crazy things as kidnapping me, if he interacted with people more on a casual basis.


sclassedge April 21 2008, 04:59:14 UTC
...well, that's not really the only reason I'd label mad scientists as a "sore spot," but yeah.

Truthfully, Harpuia seems to... look at me sort of funny. So while giving them a shot may be an option, even by my own words, some of them are still hiding something...

...frankly, I'm not exactly one to criticize on the whole "social interaction" thing.


variabletamer April 21 2008, 05:43:47 UTC
...yeah. I know.

They've... all been giving you odd looks now and then. I don't really know why. There's a lot we don't know about them.

A lot of their reactions to us are kind of confusing. I mean, half the time they don't seem to even know much about what kind of person I am, despite Phantom claiming he'd been my bodyguard, and the others saying they'd been my subordinates in their past. I don't know what to think.

But the important thing is, they don't seem to want to be enemies. Over all they don't seem to be bad people. I'd hate to think someone so closely related as to be made directly from my own DNA would be a bad person.

Well... You're not as bad as Phantom seems to be. Though, you should get out and do a little more socializing now and then, Zero. It'd do you good.


sclassedge April 22 2008, 03:55:11 UTC
...I think they know me.


WILL know me.


...all this different timeline stuff's a pain in the ass.

...I guess the only way to figure out what to do with them is for one of us to approach them.


Eh. Socializing is overrated.


variabletamer April 22 2008, 05:00:38 UTC
Well, I should hope they'd know you, considering their connection to me in their past.

I suppose I'd probably be the best one to approach them. They already seem to like me the most, anyway.

At least socialize more with people you already know, then. I know you don't make new friends easily. But you shouldn't even think of cutting yourself off socially, especially now when we're on our own in this world. We need to stick together and rely on each other even more, now.


sclassedge April 22 2008, 06:15:48 UTC
I... very much get the impression the relationship is different between you & them, and me & them.

Hn. I know you, Marino, and Axl. And you know I have no problems with you two. Marino's fine, too, I guess. ...well. And I know the Autobots a little, but mostly? Not much to choose from.

Not exactly gonna go pal around with Dynamo.


variabletamer April 22 2008, 06:35:49 UTC
Well, they're not going around calling you 'Master' for one thing.

Don't forget our digimon, either. And maybe there'll be more to choose from once we make more allies in this world.

Yeah. I think we're on the same page, there.


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