Chapter 54: REMEMBER ME trailer #1.

Nov 20, 2009 15:59

This looks so much better than I expected.

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Tyler: Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant but it's very important that you do it.
?: Officer, those two was just trying to stop it.
Neil: Go home.
Tyler: Hey, hey. I tend to agree with the first part.
Charles: You could do worse than have a father who bails you out of jail.
Tyler: I don't wanna be bailed out of anything.
Caroline: Why do you think Dad doesn't wanna spend time with me?
Charles: She knows I'll take care of her. That's all there is Tyler.
Tyler: It's all there is? Not enough.
Receptionist: You know you can't smoke in here.
Tyler: Then why do you have an ashtray?
Receptionist: It's a bowl. It completes the room.
Tyler: I guess it was just here to tease me.
Aidan: You've been a ghost these past couple of weeks, alright? You don't want to go out anymore. I've had enough of this introvert stuff, okay? I'm ready to set up an intervention here.
Aidan: He has got a daughter.
Tyler: Who's got a daughter?
Aidan: The cop that busted your face all up. He's got a daugther.
Tyler: I know her. She's in my global politics class.
Aidan: Go get her!
Ally: I... I don't date sociology majors.
Tyler: Lucky for you I'm undecided.
Ally: About what?
Tyler: Everything.
Ally: What deserts do you have? I have my desert first. What is that?
Tyler: This is our appetizer.
Aidan: That's why chicks dig you, man. They love this freaky poetic crap.
Receptionist: Charles, it's your son.
Tyler: Yeah, I was wondering if you wanna have dinner?
Charles: How many?
Tyler: Three. He can stand me up but he can't stand you up.
Charles: You're going to take care of nothing. You're responcible for noone. You're a kid.
Ally: I'm going out.
Neil: Who you're going with?
Ally: A boy from school.
Neil: You're kind of lost, aren't you?
Tyler: You think you know me. You don't.
Ally: My dad just doesn't know what's going on right now...
Tyler: What's going on right now? Someone's been trying to tell me something. Make you yours forever. And I'm working on the forever part.

movie: remember me, actress: emilie de ravin, video: trailers, actor: robert pattinson

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