oh livejournal...

Nov 02, 2007 01:29

im sorry for neglecting you livejournal but man have i been busy lets recap the last three months....

school is going ok im really glad i started taking classes in h.s. and took some over the summer b/c after this year i will be done with my gen ed's and can finally start taking classes i really will enjoy, for example: Principles of Design and Color (crayola box 101), Studio Lighting (how light makes shadows), and Introduction to Computer Applications (how to work a computer) i really am glad after this year i wont have to be stressing about bulshit assignments....

been partying a bit and met some great people...got wasted last night on halloween from doing way too many jager bombs (damm you tube).

i miss a select few people from home but i make it down usually once every 2 months ill be going home for veterans day for a while and plan on having a blast....

umm have my plane tickets to go visit ivana up in chicago right before christmas and im super excited about that i miss chilling with her and talking shit about everyone and anyone...

other than that shits been pretty good...kinda sucks not having my mom around ( and she can't clean the house) but i have gotten to be suck a clean freak now cause i understand what it's like to have someone who is a slobb (roommate)

peace LJ...i promise to keep up as much a possiable

spirit splash is tomorrow (well today in like 11 hours) when i get up im making my drink and bringing it to class and hopefully by the time i get out ill be pretty drunk, if not paige is bringing 2 backup bottels of vodka it should be fun..only thing is im sick and i hope i dont get even more sick.. oh well
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