Stories I will draw from: Chirault, Kaerik rp, Clockwork, Maelstrom, Wychwood.
Years writing: Uhhhhhh idk? FOREVLARRRR
Least favorite character?: probably the first version of Kitty? Still working on trying to fix her.
Male or female characters?: Male, predominantly.
Oldest character written?: Scythian! She was in the first story I ever truly wrote (not counting that weird superhero thing), and proceeded to make more appearances later.
Longest you've written a character?: probably the Wychwood cast-- Felix, Kitty, et al.
Newest character?: Astrid (who showed up out of nowhere in Chirault and turned out to be cool enough to stick around and even take on a fairly major role in the plot!)
Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: Delphinian (post-Maelstrom.... and also technically pre-Maelstrom I guess 8D OH THE JOY OF TIME TRAVEL and insane immortal ids trapped in an infinite loop of reincarnations... also, alliteration.)
Get drunk and pass out?: Kees, if only because he wouldn't know what he was doing until it was too late.
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: Farquhar would be the first choice, being a vastly powerful mage who managed to institutionalize his way of 'experimenting' on live subjects. The results of 'accidents' alone would provide him with ample material should he ever wish to turn his powers to murder, and may already have done so. (Second choice would be Astrid, who is not as mild-mannered as he seems and who can be pretty devious and sadistic when he wants to).
Be far too hyper for their own good?: Teeko (being nine years old and all, it's almost par for the course).
Be raped?: D: ....Kitty, probably.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: Erik, ahaha. HE IS THE MASTER TRAVELLER SHUT UP AND JUST FOLLOW HIM. but we're going in circle-SHUT UP
Get lung cancer?: I don't think I have any smoking characters ._. WAT. Soooo....Tiara, the resident pyromaniac? Smoke inhalation, whoo!
Star in a horror movie?: Kitty as the damsel, and proto-Kiran as the OMGWTFBBQ IS THAT FUCKING HELL AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH
Star in a whore movie?: Hmm.
Star in a video game?: Kees, probably. As a NINJA!!!
Make the world a better place?: Kaeden, maybe? The durned goody-two-shoes. Use his powers for good, indeed! He's pretty meddlesome, compared to the others (whose 'do-good' impulse is usually confined to their own actions and/or the lives of their friends, as opposed to strangers.
Have a torrid gay love affair?: It's easier to say who would NOT: nobody in Chirault (except maybe a couple of the mages). That is all.
Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love - Teeko
Hate - Dameneses
Money - Harper
Seduction - those chicks in Verser
Lies - Kaeden
Tragedy - Kero
Manipulation - Astrid
Violence - Kiran
Politics - Jenneth
Fire - Erik
Ice - Heryan
Would you ever...
Write a prostitute?: Yes
Write a musician?: Sure
Write a pilot?: Yeah
Write a homosexual?: Uh-huh
Write a pedophile?: I like to think not, but honestly, if a story called for it, I would.
Write a politician?: Yeah
Write a character who commits incest?: See answer for 'pedophile'.
Character you'd most like to have over for tea?: Kiran! It would be the most awkward tea ever, he'd be tongue-tied the entire time and probably spill something.
Character you'd most like to have as a sibling?: Astrid would make a great older sibling.
Character you'd most like to be friends with?: Hmmm... probably Felix! He's pretty easygoing.
Character you'd most like to have as a cousin?: Teeko! She'd be a hilarious relative.
Character you'd most like to have an adventure with?: uhhhh absolutely anyone D: Kiran, perhaps? He'd involve the least 'you must prove your worthiness to be my companion' and the most potential for badassery. Either that or Erik, who is a bigger douchebag but more likely to have really bizarre adventures.
Favorite quirky character?: 'quirky'? Ummm.... I am not sure what 'quirky' means here.
Favorite love-to-hate character?: Probably Dameneses.
Favorite bad guy?: Viraigo and/or Farquhar. They both think they are totally in the right and are both totally out to lunch!! (the degree of out-to-lunchness directly correlates to how right they think they are) It seems to be a trend with a lot of my villains...