Nov 07, 2012 17:34
Now in this journal I’d like to make an experiment. I’m taking English courses at my work. Therefore I’ll try to post here short notes to practice in language. If some of you also are studying language or know it well and could find and correct my mistakes - your are welcome to add comments (please be polite and tolerant)))
Today I’d to try to tell about film “Moonlight tariff” (by the way I don’t actually know why it named like this). I saw it more than 3 times and I don’t bored with it. The plot is quiet simple and lyrics - the main character Kora Hubsch met men of her life Daniel Hoffman and try to be with him. The peculiarity is movie construction - plot doesn’t narrate as line, but like pieces of memories. Movie start from the end of story and during Kora’s waiting for call from Daniel she remind beginning of their story. It will be banal love story if it hasn’t truthful and familiar question and feelings for every person in love with humor and original examples: what does he feel, why did he do it, what should I do in these circumstances. It supplements with good music by Reamonn.
The moral of this story I think that’s our and social rules, which forces to do something in ordered way, hide our feelings and soul to seems we are better or worse and as the final result makes us miserable.