Listed here are a number of notable locations on the ship and what they actually include. Your characters will likely be interacting in these locations, so you might want to give this a read! If you have any questions about specifics, feel free to ask and a mod will get back to you.
Portville is a sprawling mass of restaurants, cafes, and indeed anything that you can think of related to food. Groceries, food courts, fruit stores - anything which relates to food is represented here to be sold or serviced to any customers with their key card. Any type of dish can be found if you look hard enough. All of the facilities in Portstown are staffed by the ghostly crew of the ship. While not everything is open all the time, something is open there at any hour (perhaps there is even a McDonald's in there!)
The Necropolis is pretty much what its name describes -- a city of the dead. It is a massive graveyard, dotted with tombstones, tombs, and even a few more obscure or large monuments that people through the ages have used to honor the dead. While it lacks the likes of ziggurauts or pyramids, it does have an extensive plethora of impressive graves. It is worth noting that if you go to the necropolis at night you might see many ghosts slightly different than the staff - they glow and seem to display emotion, but are incapable of communicating much of anything.
Starboard Town
Starboard Town is a mass of gift ships, emporiums, and anything you can conceivably think of to sell items of interest to the characters. Anything can be found here so long as you have a key-card sans a few key items: illegal narcotics are absent and military vehicles such as planes or tanks are absent. Additionally, while anything can be found if you look hard enough, certain items require a higher level key-card. If you think that an item you wan you character to get might be restricted, feel free to ask!
Main Station
The Main Station is the central hubb of the tram system which connects the various parts of the ship. It relies on the key-cards to run, but can get you anywhere within a few minutes... which is a good thing given how big the ship is.
Resident Station
The Resident Station is the drop-off and pick up point for guests to go back to the residential floor one floor below the top deck or for them to ride to the Main Station and from there go elsewhere on the ship. It can also connect directly to Stern City.
The Warehouse is just that, a warehouse. Sometimes vehicles can be found there and sometimes bits and pieces of large machines come in. The updates to their inventory there are periodic. Also if your character has some item they would get on the ship but is too large to appear in their room, they'll find it here.
The Cliff
The cliff is more or less a massive rock-climbing wall. It had several checkpoints characters can stop at, but seems to reach upwards forever.
The Forest
The forest is... just that, a forest. There are even some small animals in there like birds and squirrels and rabbits. It is a deciduous forest with a few pine trees here and there.
The Pool
The pool is something of a minor misnomer as it is more than large enough to be called a lake. It even has rocks and in some parts of it, sand. It is shallow-ish (reaching up to 15 feet deep) in most of it, but towards the center is drops off and gets deep enough for scuba diving. While lake-like, there are no fish.
Stern City
Stern City is the center of all entertainment on the ship. Everything here can be bought or powered by the key-cards, and you name it it's here. Hockey rink? Check. Gold course? Check. There's even a movie theater which can play any movie you can imagine. There's go-kart tracks, shooting ranges, and all sorts of other things that people might do for fun. Seriously, if you can imagine it and it's reasonable it's probably here. Additionally, the hospital is located here, capable of treating any normal malady. If you think something you have in mind is questionable fall free to ask though!
Scarlet District
Scarlet District is a special part of Stern City which is only open at night. This is where you can find absolutely anything risque you can imagine from sex-toys to love hotels to condoms and 'special' clothes. The only thing is really lacks is prostitutes, but it does have fully functional if un-staffed strip clubs and the like. A few more tame things like night clubs are also in this distract, all run by ghost-staff, of course.
Park Place
Park place is just what it sounds like. It's a park... with a massive sunroof above it. Which is strange because this sunroof isn't on the top deck at all. Still, it's a nice relaxing place to walk or take the dog or whatever. There's also some picnic benches, trees, and even some grills and bonfire pits in it.
Game Room
The game room is a giant arcade with everything from grabber machines to Tekken to pinball to air hockey. It also has rooms set aside with other gaming systems like Wii or Xbox or anything like that. It doesn't matter how retro it might be, it's probably in there somewhere.
Spa Center
The spa center is basically a full on hot spring which also has places where the ghost-staff can performs messages and the like. It's meant to be relaxing and has a general feel of serenity in it. It also has a physical therapy center within it for any character that might need it.
The HQ is the central hub of the ship. Characters under almost any circumstance can only ever enter the lobby, where they can make an appointment with one of the people running the ship if they want to meet in person. Important things come out of here and it's worth noting that it covers both the residential level and top deck. There's a lobby on both decks. The HQ is heavily guarded and also features invisible walls to prevent characters from sneaking more than they should.