yesterday was sweet-ish.
we had some taco bell for lunch, then just kinda hung out at home and were cool, then i showered and watched some quality oprah and stuff, then we went to st. dennis for the girls' baseball games...
i got to hang out w/ kevin! yayyy i <3 that kid. and me and jess beat him in basketball!!!! haha woo! then we went on the swins and kevin kept trying to take my phone cause hes so cool :) haha...
then ryan was mean to me :(... haha oh well.. but then we went home and i hung out w/ rae and jess and had fun. ben and jerrys are my life. :)
hey guess whaht??? I LEAVE ON FRIDAY MORNING. i am getting WAY excited... i gotta start packing and stuff tho :-P i hate packing.
haha people are funny when they think everything is directed towards them... in all actuality, they just are bitches. mmmhmm... bitch. heh heh. sorry, i had to get that out of my system...
mmmm i am in love with brady quinn. and im going to meet him in less than a week. :) I LOVE HIM.
i am in LOVE with him. :) can you blame me?
haha your jealous. i am going to marry him.
what a flippin cutie. :)
so i have to babysit tonight. but you should come see me cause i have nothing to do. :)
call me loves.
xoxo kara marie xoxo