Sep 03, 2012 21:17
Ugh. So sick. So sick of being so sick! Headaches, shaking, bad nausea & diarrhea have pretty much been my life for the past four days. I basically sleep all day and only get up for a few hours in the evening. I feel terrible that I wasn't even able to go to family do for Father's Day yesterday - I'm a horrible daughter.
Gah! I don't know if it's from coming off my antidepressants or from going onto lithium ...there are reasons why it shouldn't be either so I don't know what the hell it is! The runs are the only one I've seen listed as a possibility when coming off Parnate - mostly it's the usual when coming off any antidepressant increase in Depression & anxiety etc. so that doesn't explain the symptoms. As for Lithium - while most of these are kind of possible side-effects of that it doesn't make sense that I was on it for three weeks before I started getting any of these symptoms.
It's just so foreign and bizzarre to me coz meds have so little effect on me (+ or - ) that I've been told I'm treatment resistant. So having this horrible physical reaction has really thrown me. If I'm going to have all this fucking side-effect shit it would only be fair to at least get the positive effects as well. Huh I wish.
Have just eaten a boiled egg with toast coz I have to eat something with meds but it's the first thing I've eaten all day. Just don't know what I can eat without feeling like I'm going to bring it back up & it sends me running to the loo. Am now waiting for the inevitable wave of increased nausea *sigh* I'm just so SICK OF THIS!!!
sick & uninteresting