Giving my mind a quick rest before my Philosophy final.
Here's how my finals have gone so far:
Got maybe 3.5 or 4 hours of sleep last night. More than I should've gotten, too. And it's my fault for waiting so long to study New Testament Greek, but a) I'm always scared that if I study too early I'll forget all the vocab and grammar and b) I always underestimate how much time I'll need to read through some of this stuff. So, I probably screwed myself a bit on this exam.
It was okay compared to what it could have been. Most of the passages we had to translate I was at least okay on. The first one gave me vocab trouble, but other than that I think I did reasonably okay. Probably not as well as I did on the midterm. Parsing was meh. It usually is for me. But at least I feel like I got over half of the vocab section correct this time. Last time it was half that I was sure about--5/10. This time I'm sure about 6, maybe 7/10. And it's 10 pts anyway.
My guess is B, maybe B+. If I get A- I'll be thrilled.
That was all just this morning. **manic glint in eye**
So afterward, on few hours of sleep and naught but a bagel for food (that's another story), I finish the Greek exam and get a Starbucks Espresso Doubleshot. I'm ambivalent about coffee, but it was better than possibly crashing while studying. The tradeoff: hypermaniccrazysleepdeprivedcaffeinated!Emily. Who tends to giggle maliciously over her study guides, sit there with a crazed smile and one eye twitching while staring at you just to see how you'll react. At least I definitely had the energy to study.
Caffeine's worn off a bit. Not enough for me to crash yet, which is good since I'll be catching the next bus to Old Campus, or maybe just walking. Today seems a good day for taking the bus. More energy to do exams.
And as for the whole just a bagel for breakfast thing--I forgot I could run out of meals with my current meal plan. >__<
I found this out after having to pay in Express for last night's dinner. I compensated by loading my schoolbag with four golden delicious apples, four oranges, eight bagels of assorted flavors (mostly sesame seed, my favorite), and a cup of chickpeas (half of which I spilled not too long afterwards, but oh well--it's some protein). And CJ has offered to smuggle some food out of the Caf for me. **hugs CJ** But yeah. Iiiiinteresting. And so all I've had to eat today has been an apple and a bagel. At least I'm eating fairly healthy! That's always an upside.
So yeah. I hate finals I hate finals I hate finals. But at least two of my worst ones will be done definitely by 4:30 this afternoon.
rather manic]
[music| Max Raabe--"Sexbomb" (teehee)]