original writing: Midwinter

Feb 09, 2023 09:23

Title: Midwinter
Prompt: Winter Solstice
Bonus? n/a
Word Count: 380
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original
Pairings (if any): n/a
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): none
Summary: Winter is coming and Lillian is worried.

The sun hit its highest point in the clear sky on winter’s shortest day. Night would come soon enough, and with it the beginning of the long winter. It was winter’s time, she knew it. Sitting in the snow, breathing in the cold, she thought back to the festivals in the heat and the weak winters in the past years. This snowfall was a sign. There hadn’t been snow like this since her childhood. It was time.

Lillian had walked out here to see the snow outside of the village, to see how bad it looked. To her, it was bad enough.

As she walked back, reaching the edge of their little civilization, her brother ran up to meet her. He was three years older and self-important.

“You look worried,” he said, handing her an apple.

She took it and dropped it in a pocket, scowling, and continued walking.

“No one else is worried. Snows happen.”

“We are not prepared.”

“You’re too young to know such a thing. We’re plenty prepared.”

She looked away at some children throwing snow at each other.

“Today is midwinter, after all. It’s just a roll down the hill to spring from here.”

“Midwinter is only the beginning.”

“You are so morose.”

“It hasn’t snowed like this in years. It’s a sign.”

Aidan sighed and looked away.

“We haven’t had to really struggle through the cold. This storm should have more people worried. It look three days to free everyone from their homes.”

“There are those in the village who remember hard winters. We’ll manage. I don’t understand why you worry like this. All it does is upset everyone.” He walked away.

Lillian kept walking, but slowed and looked at the snow crunching beneath her feet.

A ball of snow hit her arm and she jumped. One of the children laughed maniacally and ran away. Lillian smiled but didn’t chase.

People were enjoying this aberration. It was novel and fun. In the past, they would get a dusting of snow, perhaps two inches. Sure, it was cold, but it wasn’t difficult to make it through the months. The village was good at keeping up the food stores. She didn’t understand, either, why she felt so worried. She simply felt the looming darkness of the cold.

writerverse, writing: piece

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