I'll have to reread The Gargoyle... again

Feb 28, 2011 16:43

The following notes and questions showcase prominent topics in The Gargoyle. One feature spans the entire book: Two acrostics are formed across the novel's thirty three chapters. When read in order, the first letter of every chapter spells out ALL THINGS IN A SINGLE BOOK BOUND BY LOVE, derivedfrom Dante's Paradiso, Canto XXXIII: "I saw within Its depths how It conceives/all things in a single volume bound by Love/of which the universe is the scattered leaves."

The last letter of every chapter spells out DIE LIEBE IST STARK WIE DER TOD, MARIANNE, meaning "Love is as strong as death, Marianne," from the seron by Meister Eckhart quoted in the epigraph.

I hadn't noticed that nor was I looking for it, but fuck Andrew Davidson's amazing. I can't wait to see what he writes next.
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