Jul 25, 2005 02:26
"ANIMA is usually understood as the unconscious feminine component in the male psyche, while ANIMUS is the unconscious masculine component in women.
As we identify with our social and biological gender identity, we leave the contrasexual element undifferentiated and unconscious; and we cannot be whole until we find a way of integrating it.
Romantic infatuation with an individual of the opposite sex is the usual means for our beginning this process. At that time, it is said, we project onto our partner our inner image of ANIMA or ANIMUS.
As with most truly unconscious components of our psyche, we rarely encounter anima first as an inner factor but only as a kind of mask that we unconsciously "hang" upon another person.
Consequently lovers never see one another for who they really are.
We fall in love with our own unconscious image and believe it is our partner. Being in love is therefore no relationship at all, but only an illusion.
A real relationship with a real person can only begin when we learn to "withdraw" the projection."
i say pardon!?#