Things seem to be moving faster ... but not fast enough. I'm averaging ~7hrs of sleep ever since being rejected by App and switching to job hunting yet I still run out of time. There's a mighty long ToDo list on my laptop and things are backlogging, so its time to reflect.
- BuyMyLibrary: upload spreadsheet to Amazon
- JobHunt
- submitted application to Google
- created Monster and Dice accounts; uploaded resume
- checking NCESC and newspaper
- developing online portolio
- website online - such a simple statement for a complex task
- refreshing old, programming memory banks
- brushing the dust off my O'Reilly collection
- swinging into AIM/YIM to make contacts
- setup semantic wiki
- this will be my life's work ... laugh all you want (-- I'm damn tired of being told I'm wrong simply because my mind isn't indexed and searchable. There is no time to recall everything; there is only time to build upon everything before.) It will house everything I can convey via sight and sound.
- restarted meds. *ugh*
- In-Real-Life
- great lunch and dinner conversations with my sister and aunt, aka. I'm not insane; it's nice to talk about these things
- continuing to rebuild relations with these folks
- abandoned new hardware idea after several options failed
- resolving synthesis issues
- bills