UN Human Development report 2009

Oct 07, 2009 02:22

The UN just released their Human Development Report 2009 Among many other things there is a ranking of all countries by HDI (human development index). The index is a combination of several parameters 1) life expectancy 2) literacy rate and enrollment ratio and 3) GDP per capita.

Results are not surprising at all to me.
The top 10: Norway, Australia, Iceland, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, France, Switzerland, Japan. The only change in top 10 from the previous year report is that France has replaced Luxembourg which dropped to #11.

US is #13 (dropped by 1) Other countries in top 22 are all western Europe with only exception New Zealand (#20)

Belarus #68 (up by 1), Russia #71 (up by 2), Ukraine #85 (down by 1)

In general the rankings are stable from year to year. It will be interesting to see how the crisis will affect this (we will have to wait for newer data). As we have discussed with Sasha, the top 10 might have been shaken.

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