Title: In the Night
Characters: Kris Allen
Prompt: The first time your Idol character of choice made their ~SOUND~...whether they'd been singing a while and suddenly realized they were worth listening to, or just the first time they found their genre, or whatever.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 485
In the Night
Metallic whimpers escape the six strings beneath Kris's fingers as he surreptitiously slides his hand back-and-forth over the guitar's neck. The couch he's sitting on isn't very comfortable. It's in the basement of the mansion, outside of a practice room, where he'd previously been staring at a baby grand that didn't speak to him. There's a Gibson propped on the thighs of his tight jeans and he's curled over the body, tapping the strings as he wills and prays for a connection to be made.
It's three o'clock in the morning. One of his best friends -- no, his little sister left hours ago, and Kris knows he's next on the proverbial chopping block. He's stupid lucky and blessed to make it this far. But this is where it ends, if he can't come up with a song that sets him apart from everything else he's done, a song that says "whatcha gonna do when Kris Allen runs wild on you?"
Wow. Kris knows he's getting pretty damn tired if he's busting out the Hulkamania references. Still, he refuses to go to sleep until he's picked a song. It's his choice. He can pick anything and as long as it clears, it's his. If only there wasn't, like, five bajillion songs out there to pick from. He gave up on the pre-approved list within the first hour. Everything on the list was old -- even stuff from high school felt dated.
This is pointless. He's getting no where and needs to accept that he's probably going home. He's done everything he has in his bag of tricks. He's played the piano, played the guitar, and sang without them. He's rewritten songs and knocked out some karaoke. What else can he possibly do? Why does he feel so stale? Why can't he just pick something and then go to bed?
Teetering forward, Kris grumbles and pushes his hand up behind his glasses to rub at his tired eyes. Maybe the real reason he can't sleep is because he can't get Kanye out of his head. Ha!
"In the night," Kris warbles to the empty room. His voice is so soft that half of the phrase is lost in the sigh of his breathing.
Startled by his own voice, Kris goes still as his sleepy mind scrambles to grasp the semblance of a beat that just left him. When he finds it, Kris nods along to a new rhythm as he hums. His knee bounces up as his heel taps against the floor. The chords start coming to him and he plucks around until he matches the pitch in his head. His glasses have slid to the end of his nose, but his eyes never leave his fingers that are on the fretboard.
"In the night, I hear them talk, the coldest story ever told. Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless."
Title: Kiss 'em Goodbye
Characters: Allison Iraheta/Megan Joy
Prompt: The first kiss of your pairing of choice! Bonus points if you do not use the word TONGUE.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 275
Kiss 'em Goodbye
The tour has finished. This weirdly sudden realization doesn't hit Allison until she is standing on a mostly empty stage in a mostly empty arena, hugging her friends and panting out endearments as she struggles to not cry. Her willpower concedes the moment that Michael plants a soft smack on her sweaty, make-up smeared cheek.
The tears come quickly. Allison whimpers through a strangled, squealing giggle as she blindly kisses and hugs every warm body within reach. It's a good thing that they all ended up in a circle. She doesn't think her feet could otherwise carry her around to everyone.
Allison eventually clings to Kris. They mumble stupidly at each other and squeeze. He's just the right height for a good, warm bear-hug. She calls him a "Fuckin' Rockstar" and he tells her that he's washing her mouth out later. Allison snorts a laugh as Kris pulls back. They are promptly squished back together as Megan excitedly drags them into her lanky arms. Kris and Allison allow Megan into the hug. Allison hooks Megan with an arm. The three of them begin to sway as they struggle to stay standing.
"I'm so proud of you two!," Megan crows. She ducks to press a kiss to Kris's cheek and another to Allison's. Allison facetiously puckers and is met with a full-on lip-smash from Megan.
Allison let out a husky, startled laugh. Fresh tears slide down her already flush cheeks. She keeps a tight hold on Megan's waist. With a sigh, Allison rests her head to Megan's bony shoulder. A shy, innocent, and completely content smile spreads on her lips when Megan's temple grazes her forehead.