Mar 15, 2008 01:37

hi, this is my first post here after a long time i have my page blank, and now i want to do smthing strange, and i 'd like to have more friend with much interest common from many countries, i'm a kute girl (haha really) ^^, hope you guys like me.

i was born in vietnam, in the capital named Hanoi, and now i'm 18 years old, that's enough? Umh.....when i was a child, i used to be a friendly , naughty and  nice kid, and still i am ( believe me? XD), i have much interst in music and idols, my favor band now is MUCC , they're from japan.

I also like Japan's culture, that's a result of being a manga fan since i was young. In the near future i'm sure to learn Japnese, i have many friends did that, they make me really envy cause my parent don't alow me to learn another more language till graduate, so piss off.

Recently i have finished my exam so i'll have more time to compose entry, and update from comunities, now i'm colecting stuff to upload n share, i'll post them soon, of course much of them are mucc stuff

Wish every body a good day, bye bye :)


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