Dec 30, 2005 20:11
It's been quite some time since I actually wrote anything, at least of some substance...There's so much i want to say, but don't know where to start. Therefore, I won't say anything right now..and i'll ponder on it and perhaps write later.
I made it through the holidays...the past month or so has been quite a much has happened in a short period of time...and yet there still remains so much more to come...
working for Youth Alternatives,Inc. as an AON Youth Worker- Awake Overnight (AON), getting ready to apply for Grad school, which includes a whole crap load of stuff..3 letters of recomm,essay,GRE/MAT scores,offi transcripts,etc. etc. Yeah, i was like, "No wonder so few people apply for grad school, they feel intimidated.. but anyway.. yeah..lots of stuff..that's just the tip of the iceberg, so to yeah.. maybe i'll update later with more..
But, I suppose the most important piece here is to realize that I have made it thus far...(And why is this a big deal, you ask.. well, because this time last year i was in a very very bad spot...not so good..not ok..but the key is to not just make it...but to make it and being firm and secure in your decisions that play into your day to day life and to be happy with those choices and with yourself and to be able to notice your faults/flaws and to begin to change those to better yourself and those around you. We must be self aware, this is very important for all of us. So, yeah..a few changes in my life are needed and now i must begin to explore that. Wish me luck.