Just when you're down, they pull you back

Dec 08, 2002 23:32

Just when chicks are totally bringing me down I get a pick me up. Three years ago i was vistiting at christmas and I met my step-mom's boss's daughter. We hit it off, had an awesome day and then we never really talked. I don't much dig rich girls or long distances. So definately not both. Anyway, she was cute, and for whatever reason I thought about her this time around and wanted to see her. My step-mom told her and she wants to be an actress so she wanted to see me too.
Wednesday I made it there and we had coffee and talked for a few hours and it was pretty awesome. By the way, she's gorgeous. I didn't try anything though. Guess I could have.
The next night I went back up and this chick just wanted to watch movies. Not only that she rented the Godfather since neither of us had seen it instead of Shine which she wanted me to see, but didn't know if I'd be interested or not. Which I thought was cool. And we watched it, made it all the way through a three hour movie without fooling around. I did put my arm around her, which was new for me. It was freezing cold outside when I left but she and I stood out by my car for almost two hours talking and stuff...It was awesome.
I was going to come back to NC Friday, but her parents were having a party that my step mom wanted me to go to. At this point so did I, so I stayed the extra day. Got to the party and ditched my dad and step mom, Jackie pulled me upstairs, then we went and rented some movies. She got Shine, which she loved and was an awesome movie. I got the Game, which she just liked, but still kept her guessing and we both got Primal Fear which we both had seen many times, so whenever Edward Norton wasn't on, we weren't paying attention, when he was our eyes were glued to the screen, always one of us stopping the other. Which by the way, was so very cool. Not alot of chicks that I can sit with and appreciate awesome acting and make out with.
I was pretty bummed, i've had a few bad rigs lately, but out of nowhere I get a free pass. Here's this awesome chick, who I know i'll see again, but also know deep down we'll never be people who actually want to be together, if we were in the same place long term that is. But for a few days, it was beyond awesome, beyond beyond. Then I get to go, to what i'm going to, with that memory, but also totally free of any feelings for any chicks. Except a little cursory missing of Jackie. That'll pass though, so I'm feeling good. As far as that goes anyway.
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