application and shtuff

May 14, 2010 04:34


Player Name: Lee
Age: 22
Timezone: CST (but this changes a lot!)
Personal Journal: wixxid.
Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: wixxid (AIM)
Email: accidentally [ at ] hotmail [ dot ] com


Name: Yozak Grie (CODENAME: Miss Biceps)
Age: Unknown exactly, but probably around 100. Appearance-wise, he looks to be in his mid-late twenties.
Gender: Mostly male? His sex is male, at least.
Fandom: Okay. He's coming from Kyou Kara Moah. All three canon sources are basically the same, but I'm going to be taking his backstory and IC knowledge from the anime, while his characterization will be more akin to the novel. Nobody should really notice.
Timeline: Around episode 99, nursing Yuuri back to health, post-We'll-Totally-Keep-You-Safe fail.
History: A little here. The full story is here. To expound a bit on Yozak's life before, after, and during the series: Yozak was the product of a Mazoku man and a human woman. His father eventually died of an illness, so he and his mother were sent away to live in what was basically a leper colony for half-breeds. The conditions were so bad here that his mother eventually kicked it just the same, and Yozak had no one until Dan Hiri rolled up with his son and took him under his wing. Dan Hiri was the best swordsman in the land and looked a lot like Skeet Ulrich, so Yozak really lucked out and learned a lot of valuable lessons from the man . His son, Conrad, was a major part of that, and the two boys formed a great bond and went on to join the army together. That sounds just great until you realize that the army did not want half-breeds at all and sent them on a suicide mission, which was intended to prove the half-breed's loyalty to their country.

The battle that came of that was called Rutenburg, and you'll hear it referenced more than Hitler on a Warcraft forum. Yozak and Conrad were the only two survivors, which impressed the powers that be well enough to secure Yozak a working position under Gwendal von Voltaire, the leader of Shin Makoku's intelligence agency. Yozak basically comes in to save the day every once in awhile, made up like Malibu Barbie and dressed in beautiful gowns with no sleeves.

Character Personality: Yozak is quite the strange little devil. He's the sort who is good and happy with his identity, utterly unflappable in his resolve, and loyal to a fault. There isn't much that can get him down; at his worst, he always seems to be able to come up with a plan, or will be able to accept what fate has in store for him. This makes him quite possibly the most frustrating character in the series, which is an honor that he probably would enjoy.

As untouchable as he is, Yozak is never far from friends. Demonstrating a stunning capacity for unconditional love, Yozak is always quick to put himself on the line if it means the salvation of his country, his king, or Conrad. Even his castmates cannot seem to grasp just how dedicated Yozak can be to his task; when Yuuri first enters the scene, Yozak takes to prodding him at every turn to make sure that he won't lead his country astray. It isn't until Yuuri proves that he has faith in Yozak by entrusting the safety of an artifact to him that he finally gets a break from the incessant spy. Conrad, who is his best friend, who has known him since they were boys, berates him for his attitude, but it's no use. Yozak will always be Yozak, and no power in the 'verse can stop him. (Sorry.)

Perhaps my favorite aspect of his character is just how great he makes being Yozak look. Since the main ingredients of his day are fighting, flirting, and fashion, he doesn't have that many important decisions to make. (The little Gucci dress or the little Gucci dress never kept a guy up at night.) He can take anything in stride and will do so with enough grace to constantly reassure the people around him. When it comes to utterly crap situations, Yozak is the first to accept it for what it is and move on accordingly. This is blatantly clear when Conrad defects, joins up with their rival country, and raises a sword to their king. Not only does Yozak fail to question Conrad's decision, he switches his strategy accordingly and prepares to take on his lifetime friend for the glory of their country. Of course, this is frowned upon when the clearest route to success is torching a town to harvest the souls of their dead, but everyone at least knows that Yozak has the best intentions in mind when he suggests these things.

It isn't all rainbows and sundresses, of course. Yozak doesn't trust very easily, and it takes just the right kind of approach to get into his Top 8. Once you're there, you're there forever, but suffice to say that Yozak will watch you like a hawk until you make it. He has a very strong distaste for people with power because he does not trust that many people know how to use it. Despite how effortlessly he rolls with the punches in other circumstances, Yozak has not quite recovered from the torment of his country by a ruler who did not want the best for his people. Thousands of lives were lost for it, and so Yozak is a sort of immovable object when it comes to the upper crust and their business. If they're not doing their best, Yozak is out to get them, and he will be until they prove that they have a satisfying agenda.

Aaaaaaand, saving the best for last is Yozak's gender. It's hilarious that this seems to be an odd thing to everyone else, but not for Yozak. Yozak does not have a static gender, in the most orthodox of senses. There is nothing very conventionally feminine about him, and nothing very masculine either. He's brawny, tough, and makes a habit of throwing people across rooms, but he can still be very soft, very honest, and very empathetic. He sometimes dresses like a woman and knows how to shake his hips to win the tips, but he doesn't resign himself to many of the campy traps that these kinds of characters usually fall into. Yozak has a healthy mixture of nurturing, independent, competitive, and sensitive qualities and does not seem to understand why other characters would have trouble figuring him out. C'mon, what's so weird about having a lucky dress?

Character Abilities: Yozak is one of those jack-of-all-trade types, though he seems to have a few outstanding specialties. His foremost strength seems to be, well, his strength. He takes to this with an almost Squenix-like vigor, and he can do nifty things like dead-lift an armor-plated soldier and toss him clear across a room. He's pretty much the official go-to-spy where he comes from, so he's very talented at subterfuge, infiltration, and disguises. Especially disguises! You should see him in a nurse's outfit. He's also an amazing singer.

Character Weaknesses: Yozak has a tendency to get left behind a lot, because he tends to focus all of his efforts into one thing at a time. Everyone gets that he's going to defend his friends, but it never really resonates with them. He doesn't seem to really talk in depth with anyone but Conrad, possibly because it's difficult for others to really identify with him. (Not that it's completely their fault!) He's a spy, but it's pretty easy to flush him out simply by putting the king in danger. Also, Yozak never wears sleeves for some reason, so maybe he's especially susceptible to the colpo d'aria.


Why your character should be a Weapon: Yozak is basically a weapon already. He fights for his country, for his best friend, and for his king. It would only be natural for him to actually become a weapon that could be weilded to protect his loved ones, and though he's an excellent warrior, he's definitely more into supporting a cause that he believes in.

What is your character's Weapon form?: In his weapon form, Yozak takes the form of a robe. I figured that it was the only way to go with a character who specializes in having a disguise for every occasion. Although the robe would be ornate and dressy, it would be made of super-light material and never seem to get in the way. When Yozak's Meister wears the robe, his/her strength is suddenly amplified. Since he relies on his strength so heavily in the series, I felt that it would only be appropriate to have that carry on to his power.


Soul Description: Cheery. Unflappable. Strong. Supportive. Confident. Honest.

Soul Appearance: Yozak's soul would look something like this. Actually, it'd look exactly like this if my finger hadn't tired out halfway through. It would be violently orange, with a mouth that takes up nearly all of its body and kind/soul-stealing eyes. Its tails would fall thoughtlessly over its face, and it would most certainly not keep the company of frogs.


First Person:

[ There's Blair Witch shaky-cam for a moment, until the screen finally settles on a painted up pair of smiling lips. ]

That's perfect. Thank you so much. I -- Oh, I couldn't. I'm so tired.

[ There's a moment of silence. Footsteps lead away, and then the video comes back up again to focus on the face once more. A large, muscular woman carefully shifts her gaze from left to right, then leans in like she means to tell the recorder a secret. ]

Hellooo! New arrival here! This place is so confusing and it would be just my luck that I landed here without any friends. Please, if you're out there, any little bit of help would be greatly appreciated.

[ She accentuates the word with a kindly gesture, canting her head to one side and beckoning with her free hand in the background. ]

. . . And that's all. Uh, sir! . . . Sir? How do I turn this thing off?

[ Aaaaaaand out. ]

Third Person: Francshire was having the sort of day that was usually reserved for faerie tales: just the right amount of temperate heat, with salty festival music booming aloud and a soft, cool breeze that carried the thickly sweet scent of fresh-glazed buns. The streets were packed with a wandering crowd established to celebrate King X, Y, or Z, who was best remembered as an incentive to fry dough and throw confetti. In the thick of it was the sort of pair that turned heads: he, an established merchanteer with a thin, wide-brimmed hat on his head and a pipe that burped expensive Cimarion smoke in his hand; she, a robust woman in traditional eastern garment, slathered with lace, her hair gathered in complex folds that were the color of freshly-milked copper. They were untouchable, as people of their callabre were wont to be, and moved without hindrance through the dazzling festival. She fawned over vendors while he looked on in approval, and he spoke in barters while she fanned herself and took in the sight of her companion. It would have been perfectly normal, if not for just how meticulously the maiden performed her part.

For all intents and purposes, the operation beneath the party-going veneer was not complex or difficult in any way. Yozak played the part of the bewildered foreigner, aching to experience Francshire as it was meant to be seen, luring a noble retainer out into the open and away from the target that he guarded. With their best out of the way, Gwendal's men would have the advantage over the lethargic, disloyal troupe that kept his charge company, ensuring that their casualties would be few and battles would be swift. It was easy enough to make his painted smile glow a little bit brighter, which inspired Yozak's company to cup his arm and pull him away to a much more intimate spot.

The man thanked Yozak for his assistance and his company, laying his pipe down on the side of a chattering fountain. The spritz of vapor felt amazing on Yozak's neck, so he leaned against the basin and pretended to be shy about how alone they were. When Yozak moved to brush aside a wandering curl, his companion intervened and let his fingertips linger just a little longer than they had to over the dusted blush of his cheek.

"I'm glad that you had such a wonderful day," said Yozak in his signature coo, leaning in to a conspiratorial closeness. The bait was impossible not to take and they wound so perfectly together. It was a simple matter of releasing his knife in just the right place, with hardly any effort exerted on his part, and then blood was sluicing down the smooth marble stone and Yozak's companion was slumped against his shoulder. If he pulled away too hastily it would give up his cover, so Yozak waited awhile against the still-trembling corpseflesh of his hit, murmuring to himself grumpily. "One of these days," he said, carefully quiet as he sighed through his nose, "one of you will survive long enough to take me home afterwards."

"I'm glad that you had such a wonderful day," said Yozak in his signature coo, leaning in to a conspiratorial closeness. The bait was impossible not to take and they wound so perfectly together. It was a simple matter of releasing his knife in just the right place, with hardly any effort exerted on his part, and then blood was sluicing down the smooth marble stone and Yozak's companion was slumped against his shoulder. If he pullled away too hastily it would give up his cover, so Yozak waited awhile against the still-trembling corpseflesh of his hit, murmuring to himself grumpily. "One of these days," he said, carefully quiet as he sighed through his nose, "one of you will survive long enough to take me home afterwards."

[ NOTES ] I'm sorry that you had to be subjected to my mouse-art.
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