Sep 12, 2006 12:07
I got food poisoning from Foody goody. I felt like I was dying yesterday. It was beautiful.
I drove travis 3/4 of the ways to work and he realized how sick I was and told me I should stay home and he'd come home with me. He looked after me all day. It was really nice.
I'm feeling much better today, but I still needed the extra day off just to recover. It was horrible, I hate being sick. I've lost weight and it's gross, I haven't been able to really eat. I had one bowl of soup and some jello. I'm scared if I eat I might throw up.
The accident that happened over the weekend really saddens me. It actually scares me because it's so easy to just get into an accident, regardless if there's somebody drunk or not. Which is why I RARELY if EVER drive at night. Once winter comes, I don't think I will at all. I mean sure accidents do happen during the day, but night scares me even more.
I made an appointment with the guidance counsler this friday to figure out everything for university, what I should take, the classes that I would need and whatnot. I hope everything goes well.