The past week

Apr 05, 2013 12:17

It's Friday already! Another week has passed, another week the bub has grown. Anyway a recap of the past week so that at least I'll have an entry of how, at least one week of maternity leave went by.

Mon - Reuben was fighting the zzzz monster almost the entire day until he was strapped in the carrier at 5 plus so that I could head over to my mum's place. I knew the carrier would work but I didn't want him to get too used to that and only preferring to sleep in it. He played with my mum and was cranky after. At least there was another pair of hands to help me especially on days like that

Tues - I met with the mummies! Yay! So happy to firstly, meet them again after a horrible day the day before and secondly, to be out of the house. This was an interesting meal with 6 mummies, 3 babies and 3 toddlers! Reuben slept most of the time cos I'm sure he didn't get enough sleep the day before.

Wed - Another stay at home day. This time the bub woke up at 7am! I know it's normal but it's not his usual wake up time. Plus, I was craving for more sleep. I was just too tired. He had his naps, which I was thankful for and in the evening we went to my mum's place again. Mum is leaving for her work trip for 3 weeks so I thought they could entertain and amuse each other before she goes.

Thurs - Ok, this is probably sounding very boring by now. We stayed home too! I wanted to head out however, Reuben was having his epic long nap in the afternoon that I didn't want to disturb. I thought of walking in the park with him which didn't happen cos the sky didn't look so good.

Fri - Today! I'm determined to get out. If he is not going bonkers, I am. Will be heading to the library to drop off some books and then meet a friend!

And just like that, the weekend is here!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, family, reuben

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