Mar 29, 2005 23:11
wow im hyper i got random stuff flowin through my head. ahhh i cant take it. anyways i went to Detroit today. yeah it was not really. hmmm...i don't really have much to write in here.
so it will be about any random thing...hmm... i dont think this sentence makes much sence.oh well
and i don't think i spelled sence right. omg i had so many ppl talking to me today i couldnt take it. oh well. my loser friend nicole came back from ummmm...i for got but she brought this one pop named "Dr. Bob" and it's like Dr. pepper only better. i love it..its my fave. hmmm what other random thing can i put in here...oooh i know...i went to best buy today to spend my gift certifaicate i think i spelled that wrong too.oh well. anyways they didnt have the cd i wanted i was sad :( <---- see told ya. but i'm goin back either thursday or saturdayto get it.yay!!! hmm what else is there? oh yes talkin to elissa on the phone bc she's in florida for mx. oh yeah i finally got a hall for my b-day party. now i just have to get my tia jen to make the invetations so i can give them out. ummm what else? hmmm...ok i got nothin
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