A long overdue meme.

Nov 22, 2012 21:16

Well, I stole this meme a long time ago, and it's just been sitting on my computer, waiting for me to choose the ten pairings to fill it and to be bothered to post it.

So, without the thousand-word rambling I could post here, I'll get right on with the meme :)

I've got a list of 10 of my favorite pairings. All you need to do is give me a number (1-10) and something for them to do, like washing dishes or fighting crime, and I'll write a snippet/ficlet.
[stolen from tromana].

I'm excited to do this meme, so if you are um-ing and ah-ing as to whether to reply, I suggest you do :D

If I get bored enough, I might even say you can request seconds!

As a side note, I'm also toying with the idea of something along the lines of what miss_peg is doing with her December drabbles or what tromana and h_loquacious are doing with their Christmas fics. But I dunno. I'm really terrible at making decisions....


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