The Mentalist; Randomness; and Patrick the spider

Mar 15, 2012 16:49

Just some rambling about The Mentalist, random rambling about random stuff and more rambling about my Patrick :)

Do you guys remember how I used to prattle on about how they weren't showing new episodes of The Mentalist? Well, IT'S BACK, FINALLY. We got 4.09 (The Redshirt) last night, and I was completely fangirling (even though I've already watched it online). I am so glad it's back. Now my friends can watch it and fangirl with me too (they don't like to watch it online)!

So I really loved the episode, although the scene between Rigsby and Sarah at the end was a lot more intense than i remembered, which made me more annoyed than I thought I would be. Gosh I hate that woman. On the bright side, it was balanced (almost, but not quite) by the cute little scene between Jane and Lisbon at the end with the ice-cream. That was adorable and, though I don't ship Jisbon, I have to admit they were pretty cute. I would have liked to have a bit more of the team in this episode, but I can't really complain, as I loved it anyways.

And, as an added bonus, at the end they showed the ads for the next brand new episode, WHICH IS ON SUNDAY NIGHT. Two brand new (well, not really, I've seen them both before. I've even seen Fugue In Red twice already) episodes IN ONE WEEK. As you can see, I'm more than a bit excited.

Except, strangely, they mashed together bits of both The Redshirt and Fugue In Red to create the ad. They used stuff like the explosion, then followed it up with scenes of Jane in the hospital bed. A tad confusing, but I'm excited nonetheless.

Well, I'm feeling happy cause I've got a three day weekend and now I can get around to finishing the second chapter for my story 'You've Been Struck By A Smooth Criminal' on Feeling slightly bad cause I haven't updated in FOREVER, but I've been so hectic with schoolwork etc. For example, I've got a Drama assignment, English assignment, Math assignment, Christian Studies assignment, had a Chemistry and Japanese test today, Extended Learning assignment and a Biology test coming up. Plus, I had dancing all last night. (Why yes, I do find it more important to do my fanfiction than my schoolwork. Don't judge me).

On another note, I came home today to find that both Patrick AND Angela had disappeared from their corner. After a short while of searching, though, I found they've simply moved their web by about a foot. AND there's now THREE spiders in their web. Patrick, Angela and Charlotte. My very own little spider family.

Well, if you've managed to read all of this, thanks for putting up with my insanity and my rambling. You're all loved.

P.S. What do you think of me naming the third spider Charlotte? Too much?

patrick: the spider, the mentalist, random

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