Apr 01, 2009 09:15
Man and fuck!
I am so pissed and putting it into words is not feeling right.
How do you illustrate ARGH SMASH KILL!
Most of my friends work in corporate America. They deal with stupid people and annoying situations on a daily...hell, hourly basis.
Okay; here is my reason for being pissed.
I have a higher ranking individual who I work with. I don't work for mind you, I work with. This individual really doesn't have much of a...I suppose you could say they play more of a support roll within my organization.
That role is very different from what someone of his position would normally have if they were in a more routine work environment.
So, when this person gets involved with matters that I should be dealing with or, at least informed about, it pisses me off. A WHOLE FUCKING LOT!
It isn't that I didn't need the assistance, he got the job done and it was appreciated, it's that I was entirely uninformed about the entire event until it was finished! WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!!!
Now, I haven't had to deal with this kind of shit before because well, I just haven't. There wasn't any room for that kind of crap. But now, I do and in all honesty, I don't know what to say.
I can't blow the fuck up like I want...well, maybe I can....I don't know. But, I really don't care about that. I just want to nip the shit in the ass before it becomes a problem. A bigger problem one that leaves me in the dark and looking fucking retarded, incompetant, and incapable of doing my job.
Cart before the fucking horse. I'll tell him not to do that shit again and see where it goes from there. Who knows, maybe it'll be good maybe not. Fuck if I know.