First survey is a joke. It's meant for girls, but I thought I'd take it anyway and see what I could come up with. ;)
1> Describe you're dream guy. give details now dont slack off.
Kind of tall, brown eyes, shoulder length brown hair, goatee or short beard, white robes, kind of casual, strong (maybe He's a carpenter), and very kind and loving.
2> Describe your dream date. (where would you go, what would you do, what would you were...etc.)
I'd go out for pizza with Him and our buddy JPII.
3> How many kids do you want?
I think the question is how many *children* HE wants.
4> what would you name your child if its a boy?
Probably not Jesus.
5> what if its a girl?
I'm thinking probably not Mary, either.
6> an add on to ? 1 (i know you were describing someone you already know) so what would your kids look like. ex: whose eyes, nose, mouth, coordination, skill, etc.
His everything, His eyes, His nose, His mouth, His Spirit - erm... wait...
7> what kind of house would you live in?
A huge one...
8> describe it.
A huge one with stained glass windows, lots of room for seating, soft plush carpet for the kids, a great home entertainment system (or at least some big speakers), and a Tabernacle someplace central... and water available at every entrance.
9> would you have pets?
Well no... but occasionally there would be animals there for a blessing or a messy re-enactment of the Nativity.
10> what kind and what would their names be?
A dog. And a donkey... and sheep, and horse maybe.
11> What is your dream car?
Even though the Pope-Mobile is pretty cool, I'll take a DeLorean any day.
12> If you were a character in a book, what character would you be and in what book?
I'd be Peter... from M., M., L., and J.
13> Why?
Peter is awesome! (3 steps on the water - yeah!)
14> If you were in a movie what movie would you be in and what character would you play?
Oh, this is actually a good question - I'd be Indiana Jones from Raiders of the Lost Ark. (not ToD, and not LC, but Raiders)
15> would you rather be stranded on an island with the man of your dreams who just broke up with you for some hot model or your bestfriend - well... ex-bestfriend - who is the model that your dream man broke up with you for?
Um... yes?
-------------------------SERIOUS SURVEY-------------------- *cough* Right *cough* ------------
Holy Cow, it's long! lol - this is what I'm going to do...
Chapter 1
First of all, what is the time? :: 6:39 PM
+ About Yourself +
Name :: Shane
Age :: 15
Date of birth :: 3/11/89
Gender :: M
Where are you from? :: Here. Born in Anaheim.
Nicknames :: Indy, Ace, Slick, Junior, Captain Catholic, Don Juan, and Hey You
Middle name(s) :: Brinsdon
Do you have any pets? :: 2 dogs - Milo and Sahara. Both named after things African. Sahara - obviously the desert. Milo - a chocolate milk drink in South Africa
What makes you happiest? :: Religion and being with my best friend(s)
What makes you the saddest? :: Sometimes the latter, when people speak lowly of Christ, and sometimes, rarely, religion again
+ Have You Ever +
Said ‘I Love You’ and not meant it? :: Ooh, almost. And I thought I was meaning it too, but it was a reaction that I stopped halfway through saying "love" and she and I talked about it for a minute and decided it was indeed the wrong thing to say at that time... too soon.
Taken drugs? :: Only the prescription kind.
Been cautioned/arrested? :: lol - yes, I've been cautioned. Almost arrested for having a bullwhip on school campus, last day of school, last year. That was awesome... I'm so risky, I'm adventuresome.
Been to a concert? :: Yeah! Catholic concerts are always AWESOME.
Cried during a movie? :: Yes
Been on stage? :: Many a time
Witnessed a crime? :: Yes - I watched a man steal a fruit at an outdoor market. lol, and I reported him to the managers, and they went and talked to him. I think he was drunk, and maybe, maybe homeless. So I feel bad for that. Still - he shouldn't have stolen.
Swore at your parents? :: No
Been abroad? :: Oh yes. Been to (in order from least distance travelled to most) - Las Vegas, Laughlin (mini-Vegas), Mesa (AZ), Rosarito (Mexico), Rome, Hong Kong, London, Johannesburg (South Africa), Zambia, and Zimbabwe (both southern African countries). I'll be travelling to Cancun in February.
Been on holiday? :: Almost all of that travelling has been on a holiday.
Failed a grade? :: No
Told the person you had a crush on that you liked them? :: Oh yeah, and unfortunately, since I had no means of communcation with the person at that time, other than waiting for a week, I had to do it over AIM. But I still have the convo saved, and TONS of great things have come from that conversation, which are still coming, to this day. =D
Ran away from home? :: No
+ Last Thing You Did +
Last thing you ate :: Chips, and a burger
Last drink you drank :: Sprite
Last magazine you read :: Oh, heck if I know
Last person you spoke to :: My mom
Last person you emailed :: Wested Leather Co.
Last thing you brought :: Brought or bought? I'll do bought. I just bought a 90% screen accurate Indiana Jones jacket! It'll be here in like a month... aaaw. Only detail not accurate is that it's not leather, but other than that, every single detail is correct.
Last shop you went in :: Not sure
Last song you listened to :: "Profession of Faith" by Tom Booth. Basically the Nicene Creed.
Last website you went on :: Last time you said anything :: *says 'BLAH!'* right now
+ Celebrities +
Which celebrity would you most like to meet? :: Humphrey Bogart
Which top 3 celebs would you most like to trip over in the street? :: Huh?
1. Um... I'll do living celebs. Johnny Depp
2. Harrison Ford
3. John Paul II
Who was your first celeb crush? ::
I don't do that
Who is you current celeb crush? ::
Which celebs have your parents got crushes on? ::
Ah, no.
Have you ever met a famous person? ::
Yes, I've met Sir Ben Kingsley, famous for his performance in "Gandhi," as the Mahatma himself.
Have you ever seen a band in concert? :: Yes, I've seen a couple. Matt Maher and Tom Booth are awesome. Vertical Hold ain't to shabby either. x
Chapter 2
+ Favourites +
Favourite colour :: Green
Favourite band :: Chicago
Favourite solo singer :: Rich Weidenhoefer
Favourite film :: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Favourite song :: Not sure... but I like "The Raiders March," and "25 or 6 to 4," and "Save a Prayer," and lastly, "I Would Walk 500 Miles." Oh, and "Little Moments."
Favourite album :: I'm thinking the Raiders Soundtrack, but the Passion Soundtrack works too, and Matt Maher and Tom Booth. If Vertical Hold had a CD... C'MON RICH! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favourite TV programme :: Survivor (I don't watch much TV. I'm in high school, time really is non existant.)
Favourite F.R.I.E.N.D.S character :: Joey
Favourite day of the week :: Sunday
Favourite day of the year :: A day where it rains and thunders and lightnings, during the night, through the morning, and in the afternoon, rays of sunlight shine through the clouds, all "Lion King" style.
Favourite type of music :: Christian, with Country and Classical/Instrumental in a close tie for 2nd
Favourite TV channel :: CBS
Favourite boys name :: Peter
Favourite girls name :: Lori
Favourite person in the world :: In the world, or "at all"? Cuz that's either Lori or Jesus... or Mary... or Peter... or St. Michael... or my guardian angel John...
+ Body Matters +
Do you like your body? :: Sure
What would you change about your body if you had the chance? :: Apparently, according to various members of the Track team, I need to gain some weight. I also don't like the shape of my face/head from the side. I think my nose is way too big for my face, and the shape is funky.
+ Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes +
Do you like the shape of your head? ^see above^
Do you like your eyes? Yes
What colour are your eyes? Blue/Gray
What would you change about your face? Nothing, though again, there are some parts of the blueprints I'd have liked to have been different
Are you attractive/average/ugly? :: People tell me I'm attractive, but I tend not to listen, and like to think of myself as average. Though they say 1 of 3 people is "ugly". Don't ask who "they" is... but that's what they say. lol
Have you got broad shoulders? :: No
Do you like your shoulders? :: Yes
Have you got knobbly knees? :: No
Are they fat/chubby/skinny? :: No...?
Do your feet? :: Do they what? Do they fat/chubby/skinny? I don't understand the question... find a different translator.
Describe your feet? :: They have 5 toes each... ranging from small to large. They're good for walking with, and seem to be alright with hard surfaces, such as gravel.
+ Tattoos and Piercings +
Before I answer any of these questions, "No."
Have you got any tattoos or piercings? ::
How many do you have? ::
What are they of? ::
Do you think lip, belly, eyebrow and nose piercings look good? :: Ooooh, I was kind of wrong... okay, yeah, no. Not really.
What do you think of sleeves (tattoos all on the arm)? ::
Would you ever consider getting a tattoo - if you don’t already have one? ::
If yes, what would you have? ::
Chapter 3
+ Emotions +
Do you show your emotions much? :: Depends on which emotion you're talking about, and with whom. I'll say no. Gotta be a trusted friend who I can trust and whose advice I'd value. ;)
What scares you most in life? :: Lonliness and lack of faith.
What angers you most in life? :: Spiders. lol Ummm... my sister has a good record of making me angry.
What upsets you most in life? :: Lack of faith and inablity to let go of certain emotional attachments after they've run dry. Though I suppose it has been a bit of a gift lately.
What makes you happy in life? :: Lack of lack of faith, Mass, The Eucharist, and Adoration, my good friends at Church, singing the words "Roman Catholic Church" or any variations in a way that honors it, and Lori
What helps cheer you up? :: Religion and Lori... again.
Who is usually there for you when you feel down? :: Jesus, Mark and Lori, Sean, and various friends at school
Are you more optimistic then pessimistic? :: I'll just say yes.
Is the glass half full or half empty? :: Full... *goes off to get a bottle of Dasani water*
How short is your temper? ::
+ Choose One +
Tom Delonge/Mark Hoppus :: Who?
Blink-182/Busted :: Neither
Busted/McFly :: McFly! As in Marty McFly!
Ashton Kutcher/Topher Grace :: Dude... I don't know these people
Watching movies at home/Watching movies at the cinemas :: Cinemas
Crisps/Chips :: Chips
McDonalds/KFC :: KFC
Rock music/Pop music :: Rock
Punk/RnB :: RnB if I have to in order to avoid punk
Black/White :: White
Hot/Cold :: Hot
Red/Blue :: Red
Happy/Sad :: Happy
Cameron Diaz/Drew Barrymore :: Ingrid Bergman
Avril Lavigne/Fefe Dobson :: Lauren Bacall
Talking over the phone/Talking face to face :: Face to face
+ Random Questions +
If you could have one wish in the world, what would it be? :: Completely selfless and Christ-like
If you had the chance to meet 3 people, dead or alive, which 3 would you choose? :: 1. Well, Christ
2. Humphrey Bogart
3. St. Peter
Who would play you in a film about your life? :: Somebody with devlishly good looks, and extraordinary charisma, also very modest, who never brags, and isn't conceited. . . much like myself. Actually, all jokes aside, I have no clue.
What’s the first word you lay your eyes on after you’ve finished reading this sentence? :: Bible
Do you have posters on your wall? :: Yup!
If yes, how many have you got? :: 3
Who or what are they of? :: a Raiders of the Lost Ark poster, a Back to the Future Part III poster, and a Casablanca poster
What will you be doing at 9:00 tonight? :: HOPEFULLY sleeping!!
How much jewellery are you wearing at the minute and what are you wearing? :: only my Puka shell necklace, from Lori
Do you have a life motto? :: John 14:6, or the first half of Psalm 46:10
Have you ever been in love? :: Not with anybody earthly. It is my opinion that I won't ever claim to be in love until I can understand what it means, beyond earthly limitations and restrictions. When I have a small comprehension of Divine love, or am 100% sure that what I'm feeling is beyond anything I've felt before, I may claim to be in love. As of yet, I have been very very close, but have yet to reach my goal.
Who was your first non-famous crush? :: I think her name was Winter. This was way back in like... 2nd grade. lol... wow! I think my first real crush, serious one, was 8th grade, over a girl named Eva (Evalisa), who I later learned had a drinking problem and wasn't a very faithful Catholic. I then used the Good Word to end her alcoholism and help her take the first step to being a good Catholic again. We've since not been in contact, we were never very close.
What is your marital status? :: Single
What is the weather like outside right now? :: Too dark to see. I'd imagine it was cold.
Pick up one thing from your desk, what is it? :: A candle, one of 6 that I own, 5 tall and glass with a picture, and 1 symbolic short one, made of terra cotta. They can all be lit in honor of somebody religious. The one I picked up has a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe on it. I also have ones for: Jesus, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, my Guardian Angel, St. Michael the Archangel, and the small one is symbolic of my commitment to Christ and of my faith journey.
Do you like watching TV? :: Not really
Describe the chair you’re sitting on :: Probably should be replaced, and doesn't support my back too well. It's really small back there.
Have you enjoyed this survey? :: Pretty good.
Now, we will finish as we started - what is the time? 7:28
God bless,