The Tractor Pull / Driving Dream

Nov 14, 2010 04:19

I just woke up and typed out this long dream I had. Unfortunately it was quite a bit longer than this (as I slept 15 hours, 9 straight with like a ~2 minute break to check the clock, but went back down for another 6 more). This is what's left that I can remember. Thankfully it didn't entirely go away like this one did from XKCD.

There was vaguely something about me having a conversation with my brother, Kevin, who is in town in the dream (and will be IRL, later, visiting with his wife for Thanksgiving) but the dream is of that future moment. The conversation was about someone he was trying to describe, possibly a celebrity, who had a driver who would take him anywhere at any moment, even right in the middle of something important. I asked him, what if the driver's in one of those trucks from a tractor pull, and the engine/exhaust/etc is too loud for the driver to hear the guy? Even then, also, he said. It was then that we found ourselves on the road, Kev driving us to attend a tractor-pull somewhere in the Ft.Worth/Arlington area.

There were hints of roller-coasters in the distance, in trying to find the place, and we had brief discussions about campgrounds we used to visit while in the Scouts back in the day, which led to recounting of outings of when each of us-and-dad went on separate outings to this place and that without the other present (such as me and dad but without Kev, or dad and Kev without me). One of the outings we recalled was in regard to a tractor pull, that both of us had been to once without our respective brother, both of which, we recalled, involved having to wear an uncomfortably heavy anklet that was in the loosely shape of a large key, and the ways we would lay our foot sideways to create the least amount of strain on the ankle, while we were watching the show, which we recounted to each other while we were actually at the show.

Suddenly we were back on the road again going home, minus the anklets, and I mentioned that one of the roller coasters of a particular style that we passed on the way home, was a roller coaster that was out all by itself with no other park to speak of, and not the disassembleable/reassembleable sort found at moving carnivals, but a permanent roller coaster normally found in a permanent amusement park just out all by itself that charged single admission per ride as its own business, and that once while me, mom and the in-town grandparents were on a Dallas outing, stopped by this single roller coaster and rode it, even both grandparents riding it with us. This was actually true, sort of, because I had actually previously dreamed of this happening, in another dream-while-asleep that I had not written down (either that or seriously believed that the "I previously dreamed this" fact is part of this dream) and thus had relevance to his dreamed conversation.

As we made our way back into town, we were driving South over the top of Kemp, which does not have a flyover, but that the flyover had side streets and intersections, all of which were made out of roller coaster track bars so that when you drove, the wheels lined up with the bars. I briefly wondered aloud whether we would fall off if we changed lanes upon waking up within the dream, as if I had fallen asleep on the way home on the drive back to our parents' house within the dream, so Kevin changed lanes and we stayed up there somehow. Kevin was also driving a bit peculiarly to my understanding, that despite lights being red as we approached them, he would not-at-all slow down for them but just blow right into them every single time, and each time the light would turn green immediately upon entering the intersection, in lanes that had no cars waiting for it to turn green (which was the reason he was changing lanes). We didn't fall, for some reason, despite their being enough space between the roller-coaster rail bars for a tire to fit through.

The music in the car was only slightly loud, and I sheepishly asked him whether he would accept $1500 for the truck I was going to buy from him, and got no response. I asked him a second time, after a little while of silence, not even a glance, if whether $1500 was an acceptable amount to pay for his truck (which I am planning to buy from him IRL, for that amount) and got no response. I appropriately raised my voice, over the music, as to whether he thought the sum was far, and still elicited not even the hint that he had even heard me or even knew I was sitting next to him, perhaps as if I were still asleep, dead and were just a ghost riding back that he couldn't see, or was being ignored for some reason I couldn't figure out, like that he just didn't want to talk and had something heavy on his mind that he wanted to really really think about lest he forget, and to say he didn't want to talk about it would interrupt thinking about it. At that point I started involuntarily having those involuntary tremors, partly from raising my voice, accompanied by a few of the broader leg jerks, which he didn't seem to notice either.

I reminded him, as we had both forgotten, that he needed to take me to my house instead of our parents' house, because he was staying there while visiting, as I still lived in this town and had my own house. He drove past the turn off for the parents' house, so at that point I figured he must have heard me but would still refuse to acknowledge me for some reason, or couldn't bear to, for some mystery reason. I was trying to be empathetic, though, by not pressing him to perhaps burst out his explanation of something I should have realized obviously.

We drove down to a section of Southwest Parkway (a turn-off of Kemp, on which was another turn off to my parents' house) but he went too far and did a 3-point turn in a residential section that resembled the dead-end of Rhea Road (the road my parents house is on). I think the memories we shared near that dead end of Rhea, near which was a place we used to ride our bicycles toward and turn off down a no-motor-vehicles area and down onward toward a large unpaved, grassy/dirt dam (held up by old wood) used for fishing and strolling, that he came around to at least acknowledging I was still in the car with him, although I think were in a regular-cab truck, possibly the truck he was going to sell me but I'm not positive. Maybe he didn't want to talk about the sale of the truck while we were in the truck, in consideration of the truck's feelings about the matter, as they had been through a lot together, just as I've been through a lot with the car I'm transitioning from, myself.

We pulled up to a gas station, and after he filled up, pulled up into a parking space and went inside to pay, I pulled out a few bills I had in my wallet and handed him a $20-bill as he got back in, saying it was my share of the gas and tractor-pull tickets. At this point, we were in a modern van, that was loaded up with sleepy scouts just back from an outing. He handed me back a $5 from his wallet as he put the twenty in, still without saying anything, so I said, Oh, well I have a ten and a five I could just give you. At that point it became confusing as to whether I should give him back the 5, plus the 10 and the 5 (for a total of 20) and him give me back the 20, as if we were simply exchanging sums of 20, which would result in him having nothing, at which point I woke up. The End.

Some things to note about the context IRL for this dream: I am in the process of buying my brother's truck for $1500 (basis not only for the $1500 discussion, from which I have not IRL heard of his agreement to that, but also perhaps basis for the confusing money exchange), I've been playing a game lately (Fallout: New Vegas) that involves an old run-down roller coaster that can be seen in the distance as it is approached and is the only such amusement-park feature in a casino town, I just had a 1-on-1 experience with dad when he came and gave my a jump-start for my car, I talk to my car sometimes and occasionally modify behavior as to take into consideration the car's feelings (named "Argo") despite having less consideration for feelings of actual people, I recent broke a car-key (which could be the "key" reference in the anklet's design), around the time that a truck (locally) hung off the edge of a flyover there was brief confusion of mine in a family discussion over which part of the road consisted of the flyover that modified my impression over which section consisted of overpass/flyover, me and Kevin each went on a 1-on-1 trip to a tractor pull at one point in our lives IRL, and Kevin has given me lessons IEL on how to drive standard transmission a few times whereas he had to drive me out to the stadium to try it out and anticipate having to do that again soon, as I don't know how to drive standard and the truck he's selling me is that (and could be basis for material that he was driving me somewhere)..
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