Jun 13, 2005 15:16
Ok, so here's a real entry.
It has been so hot and uncomfortable lately that find myself accomplishing close to nothing every day. It doesn't help that I never wake up before noon. I know I should do summer cleaning. floors and walls and all that. I just can't get there though. maybe tommorow.
Justin and I finally broke down and decided to get an air conditioner. It's just to ridiculously hot to sleep all the way through the night, even with all the windows open and fans going. The humidity is ridiculous too.
On saturday morning when we woke up we made the descison to get the air conditioner. We got up, went to feed the bunny so we could leave, and I almost had a heart attack. B had a water bottle that dripped slowly but contantly; it wasn't bad enough to warrant getting a new water bottle because they all leak, and this one leaked slowly enough that only the litter directly underneath it ever got wet. That is also the side of the cage the B goes to the bathroom on, he sleeps and grooms in the other side. Apparently, some mushroom spores found their way into our apartment and decided right underneath B's water bottle was a good place to grow. About a dozen mushrooms sprouted up overnight in his cage underneath his water bottle. I grabbed him out of the cage and Justin (took some pictures) cleaned out the cage and refilled it with litter. Needless to say, B no longer has a water bottle, he has a water dish now. It doesn't leak.
Last night, I couldn't fall asleep. I went to bed at two, I dozed lightly, looked out the window, and tossed and turned until about four. Four is when the thunderstorm started. The fan was in the window so a light sprinkling of rain was coming in through the window and blowing across the bed. Even though I hated to, I closed the window and put the fan on the bedside table. That woke up Justin. The two of us got out of bed and went through the apartment closing the rest of the windows, except the one in this room, the den. This one we just stood at for a few minutes watching the thunderstorm together because the rain wasn't blowing in through the window. There was no one outside, nothing moving, no cars, and the rain smell coming in through the window made me want to re-open all the windows we had just closed.
There are times when I don't ever want to move out of Hamtramck. Last night was one of them. There are times when I do, right now is one of them. Wherever I move, I know I want Justin to be there, because I don't ever want to live without someone to watch thunderstorms with.
Time to try and accomplish something.