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Nov 04, 2005 16:10

Woah ha i love u santher u make me giggle ha well 2 day has been alright theres a really cute guy in 11th grade that im like really interested in like alot hes adorable like hes mature and not stuipid and mean and stuff well i dont know him but people told me that he was nice and smart and stuff which is hott and i think i owuld happy with a guy like that u know im happy about him and i dont even know him lol he makes me smile he has long hair and a pony tail and he has a really pretty smile but yeah i hope if i meet him hes interested in me!!! that would be awesome gurrr lunch is not kewl like at school like theres so much drama and i wish everybody could just be peacful and not argue and not like be mad at n e body but like my friend alex i love her 2 death but shes reall mean 2 me and other people think shes mean 2 me also (no names) like shes nice 2 me when shes not around people at school and she trys 2 piss me off and stuff but it doesnt work bc im all about peace now i think something hit me in the head and told me 2 be nicer and peaceful i hope it last bc i feel good right now and hippies r awesome like i wish she would be nice 2 me but shes not and when ever we get in 2 fights she laughs and stuff and its not kewl it like really hurts my feelings and i love her 2 death but its the truth and im kinda tired of it i just wanna go 1 day with out stupid drama thats the problem with freashman were so immature and stuff and its just lame ha sad but yeah other than me and alex having trouble everything is good and stuff who ever is reading this just pray that , that guy finds interest in me and stuff i think dating him would be good 4 me ha well im gonna go get ready 4 the game bluhh i dont really wanan go but o well comment peace!!!!
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