Dec 23, 2006 00:50
My birthday, well it was different.
I played a show and did fairly shitty but at the moment I didn't have a care in the world. I mean, I'm burnt out on music so I really didn't feel right playing at all. Commitments are still commitments no matter what. I bought Dustin and the Furniture's cd even though I hadn't heard him play since the summer; I guess I just felt like spending the rest of my birthday money on something that would directly benefit someone. Yea...
Then Dakota and I drove to Tattoo Charlie's and I was like, you can't come in it says "18 and older ONLY". Of course he looks like 3 years older than me so I guess they didn't notice. My piercer was this half asian/ german guy and his voice was amazing. Just listening to him talk made me want to cream myself, fortunately he was sticking a needle through my face so I didn't have time to be happy. Septum piercings don't hurt at all but I still cried like a bitch. Apparently, the nerve in the septum connects to the tear ducts and makes you cry automatically so I had tears running down my face. It was so crazy. Basically, I'm only having that man pierce me because the experience was so amazing. It feels like I've had the piercing for years with the exception of having to clean it twice a day.
After that, I went to Nick's and made dinner for my second family. It tasted like shit since Nick's house has no spices but they didn't care. I love people who appreciate small things. Dakota and I exchanged gifts; he made me a hand-sewn bag, yay. He's the sweetest.
Overall, my birthday was nice and sweet. I think my next goal is to save up money so I can go to a music fest over the summer. The only irritation I had were little high schoolers calling me to buy them cigarettes, how about no.