I have been pretty good lately; whenever something gets me down I always shoot right back up because I just think, hey why the fuck am I sad? I DON’T NEED ANY OF THIS BULLSHIT, so why do I pay attention to it? Then I realize that I have THE most beautiful girl in the world, and I know she would do anything for me, just as I would do anything for her. I cant wait until Thursday, she’s coming to Thanksgiving with my family at my dads house, I plan on leaving for most of the day part of it, because my family is full of irritating hicks, yes it sounds just like Kurt Cobain’s horrible fucking family. I mean for fucks sake, Travis lives in fucking Anaheim and he is the biggest hick in my family, of course he’s got a shitty job, mail man.
I don’t have anything really planned but I have an idea, basically all I want to do is make Julie so happy that she swoons for me. I want to drive around the lake in the boat all day in the freezing cold wind and then just stop somewhere and kiss her keeping her warm. I need to make up for three weeks of emptiness, not to mention I better make some good moves just incase its awhile until we see each other again. I guess I’m doing ok without my makeup, I miss it about 1/100000000 of how much I miss Julie, but I still miss it nonetheless. I think I get it back in a few weeks.
I had bass clef on Monday and it was only because my teacher was gone and we had Mr. Doyle again, or as I like to call him, Mr. Crazy Senile War Veteran, I’m pretty sure about 98% of what he tells us if very exaggerated. Not to mention the fact that everyone ditches when he’s there and he doesn’t even notice, I didn’t want to make a bad example so I didn’t, but every time the teacher is gone the Section Leader for Tenor (I sing bass for future reference) always comes over the bass section and sings his line in his gay fucking high pitch and messes our tone quality up. Probably just because he cannot match pitch so he needs to try to mess other people up, man he sucks at insulting people too.
Me: John get out of this section, you are not our section leader, go back to tenor.
John: Learn your line then!
Me: Shut up faggot, I’m singing my fucking line, learn how to match pitch.
John gives me the cold shoulder and I flip him off.
Not to mention he claimed to be a better singer than all of the men who made the NYC tour (he is a backup for the tour) and says he can sing so much fucking better, which really bothers me because they are all awesome singers and very much so deserve to fucking be on that tour, he’s a greedy selfish piece of SHIT.
Everyone check out my band site once again
www.theaffliction.tk because our drummer has been removed and now we are looking for a lead guitarist and a drummer. We love pink and we love to play, so come check us out before I bite your clit.
I’ve felt so tired lately and I don’t know why, today during lunch I slept, I really just wanted to sleep with Julie at lunch and I wished she was there. I was so tired and everyone thought I was depressed. I just had a migraine and I felt like I was going to vomit from it. Not to mention how tired I am, and I think I know why. I don’t think I’m getting enough nutrients anymore. Whatever, the only fucking nutrient I need is Julie.
All you niggers who come to my journal better just get the fuck off of it, because I don’t need your bullshit nor do I care to hear it. Al you do is come here and insult me to wait for a taunting result back, then I use words that are to big for you to comprehend and outwit you so you get confused and come here and use mindless insults using the words “gay” “fuck” “kick the shit” and “homo” so fucking often it just makes me wonder, maybe you should ask for HOOKED ON PHONICS for Christmas.
Christmas Lights and Heroin Injections