(no subject)

Nov 11, 2005 11:37

Hey guys.I know i havent been posting a lot lately but its because i have a job and i have no time really.But i have had this nagging situation in my head and all over me for weeks.You see i told her what was with the guy but she went on and did it anyways.Now this guy is my friend and shes my best friend.I know them both very well but she didnt listen to me when i said he was a prick.So now shes freaking out about homecoming cause he was her date and i told her numrous times that he wasnt going to go but did she listen,no.And another thing kendra.She needs to distant herself from me for no reason.Shes a fucking bitch and it sucks because i sit next to her in first period.So she can die.One last thing underoath plays tonight.You think i get to see them of coarse not.
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