Jan 29, 2005 23:41
Tiger Fought tonight...eventful and not as much fun as usual
After went to Pizza my Heart with Danny, Rory, Steven and Kelly. That was nice, although i wasnt hungry at all. We then went to Stevens, and I left there very early...like 11:15
On the way home tonight,I was driving down California just past Broadway and I had the most unusual feeling. It was like this wave of...not wanting to be here anymore. I dont know, I mean I know I want to go away to college, and I know I want to leave California, but never before have I been hit by this feeling of longing to be away. I dont think it was so much from the people or my life here, it was just this realization that I drive the same streets everyday and see the same trees and houses. I will be here and see all of this again until at least August. It's never botherd me before, and yet tonight it hit me, almost depression and I didnt know what to do. It was awful
Good night