(no subject)

Mar 27, 2011 18:21

Had the interview with the faculty re: masters/certification program and while I have their pre-approval (technically not an admission but a "we will probably admit you if you were to apply) I still need quite a few prerequisites before I can get in.

This isn't really a surprise since I only minored in Spanish and I'm pretty sure I can argue them down on some of them - ex. they want European Politics and I took European Government - same class but different title. The faculty member didn't see SPA 101 and 102 on my transcript so she counted those in as needed even though I tested out of them. One would think since 300 level Spanish courses were on there that that is a given but apparently not. I'm disappointed - I really thought I could just take a test, prove my language abilities and get in but this is not the case. :-(

The bad news is that it will take me a year to get these done. And you can't take classes like Hispanic Drama and Spanish American Prose Literature in the evenings and weekends. So that makes the job situation iffy.

The good news is when I told my boss this at work her immediate thought was "how do we get you to full time and get you insurance?" Not "You can work til August and good luck after that." So she is campaigning to hire me on (I'm still a temp at the moment) as an hourly employee working 32 hours a week (which is considered full time and will get me benefits) while I go to class Monday nights and Tuesday/Thursday mornings.

I have a pretty high profile at work already in part because of the campaigning to keep me the first go round (where I said no thanks to a career as an account manager) but also because I just completed an audit where we initially thought we might owe the customer around $30,000 in credits due to incorrect pricing but after some investigating both by me and my account manager we got that down to $4,000. My boss is trying to sell management on the fact that if we had an extra body to audit accounts we wouldn't be paying these ridiculous credits. So if I do get hired on my job might become a monotonous audit hell but if it pays for school then I'm game.

My parents are reconciling themselves to me being around another year although I'm crunching my budget to see if I can't afford to move out anyway.

So that's the update. How are you lot?

real life

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