Feb 04, 2005 18:42
DAM! its been forever since i last updated my journal, ive been sooo busy with all this shit i swear im gonna like fall apart. im just gonna sum up the past 2 weeks or however long its been..
a while ago (i cant remember when) we were in cheer practice in the gym, and paco and i were carryng rebecca, and like luismiguel passed and i spazzed because i had never seen him during the after skewl (MANDATORY) activities, and like because i spazzed i almost droped rebecca and she was like AHHHH! HEEEEEEY and luis miguel turned to look and like i was sooo embarased because we were struggleing to keep rebecca from falling, and then whats worse is that later that day we got bored so we started just messing around and tryng to like carry guys (i dont know what its called in english but like its not exactly carryng..well like the piramid thingy ya know?) and like Maru was like LIFT DAVID HE IS THE LIGHTEST! and i was like NO >.<, because im kinda afraid of heights...(if ur laughing or mocking me right now stop it becuase ur a stupid crackwhore.no matter who u r..if ur making fun of me STOP MOCKING ME!>.<..lol im crazy :P).. ANWAYS... im kinda afraid of heights but i thought it would be fun to try it so pancho and pepe seeing as how they r the strongest they lift me, and like when i was up there i was SO scared because Nava was spotting me, but i know he is a stupid immature douchebag and wouldnt spot me correctly so i got even more nervous, and like victoria was like, LOOK HE IS SOOO RED!!, and everyone like started laughing at me cuase i was freaking out, THEN GUESS WHO PASSED BY..YEAH...HIM! HIM DAMMIT OF ALL PEOPLE..why couldnt some ugly fat chicks pass, why did it have to be luis? i mean seriously its like god hates me and he wants luis to see how dumb and dorky i am. and he LAUGHED AT MEE. LAUGHEDDDDDDDDDDDD, well he didnt like stop and point and laugh but like, he looked at me, i looked at him, he turned away and then LAUGHED. lol NO FAIR. then i died a little inside. lol and then like marco pushed nava out of the way because everyone knows nava is a stupid douchebag, and then i gave marco my hands and i droped down the like emergency exit way. :P, i cant explain it lol.. and then i cant remember what i did next...i think i just came back here..
so like that week i didnt get to get on the computer because im going to the country club again for some tennis..god its been like 2 years since ive played tennis..i suck now :(. and yeah my schedule is full now, ive recently been going to the Y now too, its funny becuase my mom bitches about me going there when she pays 500 dollars monthly for the country club, but i go to the Y because it has a really good gymnastics program, i only do floor gymnastics though..well im starting.. i got to go shit!