Give me something pretty i hope ill never be. I'd rather be creepy and very strange

May 26, 2004 12:57

i felt like such shit when i got home yesterday. my head hurt, my stomach was really smashing>.<
-Drama: we sat and mostly did nothing. Damien, Andrew, Paul, Kevin, Manny (Paul, Kevin, and Manny switched off) and myself played cards. i learned this game called Camps. Damien was my partner and we beat them 4 times=P
-Algebra: napped, finally..a good nap in Algebra
-Tennis: Sat with Alex, Andrea, Orlie, and Jackie *cringe at last name* we played palace a couple times and then i signed Andreas shirt
-Spanish: signed Stephen's journal-thing
-Science: Pat and i were playing Palace then Matt went to get a mint out of my purse and he dropped it and everything went flying. everything happened so fast..then everyone started laughing and i slapped Matt as hard as i could (which i feel totally bad about) apparently the slap was really loud because everyone started reacting to it..then i told him to pick my shit up as i put my phone back together *sigh* and he said no so i slapped him again. then he picked everything up and Mrs. C came over and yelled at me for slapping him, i wanted to tell her to fuck off. then Pat and i continued playing cards.
Sorry again, Matt <3
-Child Development: took the final, it was easy.

when i got home i sat around and did nothing. then i ate and i became vomity so i went to bed at 8:30.
today was okay.
i x-mas tree'd the Algebra Final and i didnt even take the Tennis final. finals are easy this semester..i only have 3 more to take while everyone has like..6 =P the remaining days of finals i only have to take one each day ;] tomorow: Spanish and Science; i dont have to take Spanish. Friday: Drama and English; dont have to take Drama cuz we already had our final.

remember how i said Mumsy was gonna buy me a replacement CD player? yeah, Xander has college tuition (sp) to get Mumsy and Father have to pay for it. so therefore..i have to save up my allowance and buy it. and then after i get saving up all my money for Chicago. ill have a great sum of money and it will all be gone by the time i leave chicago =P i want this to be the best moment of my life ever..and i know it will..but i want to make it better.

im kinda colddd ;] and theres two days more of skool. and in two months..Chicago<3 i want to wow everyone in Chicago, and rub it in the face's of the assholes that ruined my 7 years of living there. im going to work really hard..and ill look amazing (hopefully) i want them to piss their pants, i want them to stand there in awe. and then i could say "THIS is what you get for making fun of me you stupid, worthless shit. i prooved you wrong, and now look at you; you look like a fucking piece of shit."

Forever Yours,
Professor Cry-Baby
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