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Character Number: 1st
Character: Karasu
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Character's Personality: Karasu is someone shaped by his past. Many would consider him, while highly intelligent...not someone fully balanced. His moods swing from apathy to an almost violent display, be it affection or anger, and he's quite easily offended, even if he doesn't -always- show it. Karasu enjoys studying those around him, learning all he can about them before possibly making a move, with the exception of when his pride gets in the way. He's also prone to obsessing over people rather easily, be it for their strength or form...most often though it's a physical sort of beauty that he cherishes. Unfortunately, more often than not because of his past, Karasu views the perfect way of preserving someone that he "loves" is by killing them. A beautiful death by a flash of his explosive powers to keep them forever preserved, never allowed to be hurt by the world around them. Just him. Only him.
He's a somewhat cold person, given to being aloof and aristocratic. However, at times he can be vain and dramatic, with a knack for loving to hear himself talk (about what he wants to talk about). He doesn't really hide his more predatory notions from others, and it's up to the people around him to judge whether he's as fragile as he looks or someone wholly more dangerous than most give him credit for. Karasu...does not make friends easily, and even then will be quite off and uneasy about offering them too much of his trust right away. Trust has to be earned and even -if- earned can be taken away on a whim. Regardless, those he does consider part of his Murder are protected...from others, if not himself.
Karasu is not one for a stable, healthy relationship, be it friendly or sexual, right away. He has his own romanticized notions and perhaps would even LIKE one...but he believes that beauty is fleeting, and to love something is to herald it towards death. It is debatable that this is why he falls in love so easily, on a skin deep level, using that as a shield to see the things he admires wither. True thoughts of love frighten him, because they threaten his comfort zone and what he views as truth.
History: Little is known of the actual canon backstory of Karasu. All you are shown in manga and anime is that the Toguro Brothers needed him as a fighter on their team for the "Dark Tournament" and when he refused they beat him to death and indentured him to their team anyway. Karasu hints that they killed someone he loved and this helped shape his outlook on killing what he loves now. One can assume he came from a well-off family, as he's a high class of demon and acts...quite aristocratic. He mentions that he is a Member of the Quest Class of Demons, meaning those who can manipulate the environment around them into forming their preferred weapons//abilities. Karasu's own abilities lie in bombs and explosives of all sorts. Even more frightening is that he does not need to touch someone for them to explode. As said in canon. "It isn't necessary for me to touch's just one of the perks!"
It is vaguely hinted at early on that somewhere, Karasu had someone taken away from him, possibly by the Toguro Brothers. Whatever hurt him from his past hurt him, deeply, and the wound never did heal correctly. Anger and hatred swelled for the Toguro Brothers and when at last he died in the Dark Tournament he thought....he had found release, if at the hands of someone he had wanted as...his most beautiful victim.
I will be taking Karasu from the precise moment of supposed death, when the plant's stalk pierced his chest and started sucking his blood.
Special Abilities/Powers: Karasu's powers involve explosions. He can manipulate the air about himself, creating painful, violent explosions of varying degrees of damage from a precise wound on the body to blowing out a portion of a stadium in anger. His youkai, or demonic power is a part of his body (so to speak), an addition, and he uses it to form several well-crafted and named explosions.
The deleterious bomb looks like sticks of greyish dynamite welded together with a skull and tiny clock. There is also the mad bomb that attaches itself to a victim (by way of chaining them to the ground, normally by an ankle ball and chain) and laughs, giving an ill-humored quote ("Time to say, bombs away!") before promptly exploding. Karasu can also turn himself into a living breathing bomb shed, performing an attack that is capable of blowing up part of a large stadium.
But Karasu's favorite would be the Trace eyes. Small, organic bat-winged abominations that will follow their targeted victim until they explode, the eye itself capable of seeing it's intended victim.
During periods of high energy (such as when he uses more youki than normal for an attack) his hair turns blonde.
Link to an image of the character:
Here be KarasuSample Writing: The crowd cheered from all sides, moving as a sinuous, multicolored beast. The scent of carnage was strong on the stadium field, no matter how it had been cleaned between matches. Karasu's violet eyes stared down at the ring fondly, aware of the hulking figure at his side. Eyes slid to the corner, eying Bui before returning to watching the crowd. He had no love for their attention, but nor did he dissuade their adoration either. After all, he was a demon, a murderer...and he knew how to put on a show and make death entertaining.
To other demons, at least. The majority of demons, after all, were inherently violent beings. They craved blood, sex, excitement, and murder. But then again, the majority of demons were low class, unintelligent peons.
Karasu was not. He was high class, both in mannerisms and power. Not as powerful as the two demons who held a contract of murder over his head...but he would be, someday. And when he defeated them, he would earn his freedom once more. Bui was the same, strong, but weak against the brothers, eager to fight and murder until he too could earn freedom. They had a camaraderie...of sorts. Bonding over a matched unfortunate event, perhaps.
And like that, he could see from the other side of the ring, Team Urameshi making their way down and towards the ground level doors. Their match was about to begin, and he silently followed after his own team. Followed them right out onto the field.
"Ladies and Gentleman without further ado, the first match begins! And on my right, fighting for Team Toguro...Karasu!" she ocntinued, but Karasu only dimly heard her, his eyes focusing on Kurama with a wholly dangerous, lustful expression.
"And at left, fighting for Team Urameshi is Kurama!" the pair of them stepped forward. Karasu's eyes caressed Kurama, who seemed lost in his own thoughts, and ready for battle. The crow demon's lips curled into a smile beneath his mask, politely listening to the announcer girl as she went over the term rules of the match. It didn't matter. He had already won every other match and listened to the rules again and again. He was eager to embrace Kurama. To touch him in the only way that was safe anymore.
To murder him.
"You're either extremely brave...or extremely foolish. It's rare for anyone who has seen my capabilities to go through with fighting me...I'm curious as to why you would subject yourself to this." and he tilted his head just slightly, violet eye almost appearing red in the shift in light.
"Could it be something...personal?"
Sample Journal Post: My my my...
Should I consider it a luxury that I seem to have cheated death...? Or should I feel uneasy about being abducted at that precise moment to some and left alone...? Heh. I think my only regret is that that I had to leave that beautiful creature behind.
A nasty case of remorse over unfinished business, I suppose.
I must say though, the timing was both convienent and...needed, but it really is a pity that whomever drew me here couldn't stay long enough to allow me an explanation.
So....can someone to elaborate on where I have ended up? I can't be the only one, if I have this ingenious little device to keep contact with. I'd be...ever so grateful for any assistance.