So, when looking up reviews for one book, I ran across reviews for other books... and, lo, there was a Laurell K. Hamilton reference:
"Bear draws as well from the Anita Blake and Meredith Gentry books of Laurell K. Hamilton, especially in the character of Keith, the ambivalent werewolf prince, and in her depictions of life at the Faerie courts, but without the lush eroticism that briefly distinguished Hamilton's work before she slipped into self-parody."
Paul Witclover, Sci Fi Weekly.
Ain't that the truth?
11 Bad-Good Horror Movies You Need to See Antonio Banderas and Sarah Brightman singing Phantom of the Opera .... God, my fangirly squees may never end. Just... Banderas.. voice... Erik... *whimpersobsqueeswoon*
And... Everyone's Angst Should Come with Back-up Dancers. Yes. Bollywood got its mits on Powder. And they thought: "Hey, this is good! But it could be so much better with some dance numbers!" ... In some strange, twisted way, I find myself intrigued. Someone hit me. (link to be added later bcause I've lost it)