This is Disdain's Frowny Face

Nov 30, 2006 01:17

I really ought to do my homework.

I really ought to write something, anying for my novel. Or the short story. Or the I-don't-know-if-it's-a-book-or-a-story thing.

All my muse wants to talk about is fan fiction. More specifically short, short scene fiction. But the rest of me doesn't want to do this.


In other news. I created fanmoot for A Song of Ice And Fire fans. A small place where people can talk about ASOIAF. Because it really needs more fandom action and I loathe message boards.

I had a strange dream about tornadoes picking up my house and moving it. With me inside, mind you. But when I opened the door and walked out, it had landed in Illinois. But Illinois with Regency people (like we're talking Harlequin Regency Romance here, people).

Why even thinking of it gives me the vapours. Do excuse me, dear reader, whilst I sit lightly upon the couch to recover myself. ACK. I now know that I would go batty insane in the Regency era. Unless of course there was a suitably hot Mr Darcy involved to improve matters.
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