So, seriously,
this house (and Travis) is the only thing I can think about! I'm past the being accepted stage and rolling into decorating. It's going to be simple this time: no band posters, no magazine collages, and as little clutter as possible. My room has a bright nook big enough for a queen sized bed; I originally wanted to put my bed in there, but now I'm thinking a reading space would be better. My dad has an off-white version of
this chair that he's been itchin' to get rid of for months. That, plus
these birds hanging from satiny ribbons (and maybe some sheer curtains pulled to the side) is what my heart really desires. The rest of the room will follow my existing white, silver, and pale blue scheme. I will need a new mirror and coat tree, and possibly some
cute owls to hang (nudge nudge), but those are easy to find second hand. I wonder if the guys will let me put a gnome in the front yard?