Jan 08, 2006 22:21
I'm sick of people treating me like I'm 5.
I hate when my friends and parents talk to me like I'm not old enough to comprehend things, or do things for myself.
I hate when people baby me. I hate when my friends talk to me like I'm a little kid.
I'm okay with people saying I look like I'm ten. No biggie, because I'm like 5 feet and everyone else is like 6 feet.
I'm in a bad mood.
I don't want to go to school.
Or go to track.
Or do anything.
I just want to sit in my room and play guitar and do nothing else.
I'm currently thoroughly enjoying playing guitar. I guess I can thank John Freeburn for helping me get started on playing so I don't let my guitar sit around. My hand kind of hurts though. I have the indents of the strings in my fingers. sooo attractive.
I want to go to NYC for my friend's sweet 16. But I might not be able to because of track. so stupid. so so so so so lame. I miss all my camp friends, and this was when I was suppose to see them. So much for ever getting to see them, I guess I can wait until I get my license and go drive down to see them. yeah.. because you know. I can def. go drive down to like North Carolina and see Will. fuck track. I'm bitter.
But on a positive note.
My birthday is in a month and 3 days.