i would watch x-files with the lights on, but the glare hurt my eyes

Apr 10, 2008 23:29

Shopping is hard when one has no money;
shopping is hard when one has no car.
Summer shirts are hard to find
in sizes to fit an armored tank.

Watching television with my parents is an interesting experience, to say the least. For one thing, there's such a difference in their preferences it's a wonder they ever manage to agree on anything to watch at all. For another, they both have a rather interesting habit of talking to the screen. A normal episode goes something like this:

Da: Oh, don't go in there, stupid woman. She's dead. No, he is - oh, wait, she is. They both are! Is that a rotating camera angle?
Me: A what?
Da: Hey, grab with the gun! If I were in there I'd get the hell out. 'Course then there'd be no TV show, wouldn't there?
Mum: This is icky. Are there any chips left?

Fortunately for me, there's also a difference in their schedules, which means that I can hang out with both of them without interference from the other. Really, it's much like hopping on a plane to Biloxi after spending a week in the NYC. My mum prefers comedies and refuses to watch anything produced after 1993; with her part of yesterday, it's us eating everything not tied down to the tune of Jeeves & Wooster, Fawlty Towers, Murder She Wrote, and Mission Impossible. (The original series. No, no that, older. Nope, older than that.)

With my Da, he lectured me on protein shakes while we watched the first season of the X-Files. Notice a difference there?

So, the sum of my reaction towards this modern classic: God, is Scully annoying or what? All she seems to do is nag. Nag, nag, nag. "Mulder, what do you think you are doing?" Mulder, this is crazy. Mulder, I don't want to get involved. Blah blah blah." I realize that her purpose in the show is to be a foil to Mulder's awesomeness, but would it not be possible for them to do this without making her an epic bitch? Eternally senseless skepticism has its place but it is not within ugly checked pants.

Nag, nag, nag...

I do love Mulder, though. Bless. He's so sweet.

tv is good for the soul, x-files, me myself and i

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