when did my vote become a bullet?

Jun 22, 2009 21:39

Iran: *explodes*

I don't pretend to know anything but the bare bones about this whole affair, but reading this, it's... it's something. I don't know if I can properly articulate it, I don't know if I even have the right to - because in a tangental sense, James Ransome was right, I haven't held their babies - but I can say that it's sobering in the extreme. All this... humanness - the beatings and abductions and killings, and the courage of the people risking being beaten and abducted and killed, but still googling and Twittering and marching - is a wonder, and horror. Especially for me, I suppose, for Americans who just had the forty-fourth peaceful transition of power in the history of their country, and have never known any other way, but for the grace of God or Allah or George Washington or whomever-the-fuck. We made such a big deal of it. And it was a big deal - it was - but still. We didn't have blood running in the streets. This collective Twitter transcript, it's an education in revolutions themselves, because you have pages and pages of reported deaths and rumors and instructions, and then suddenly you have something like, "please RT urgent does anyone know whats happening near saiee park? my daughter is near" and you think,

oh fuck,

these are people we're talking about here.

IN COMPLETELY UNRELATED BUT INFURIATING NEWS: Thank you, assholes. I don't believe I've ever properly articulated how grateful I am for the right to exist. You know, like every other American. (Though for some reason they have the right to exist and the right to marry.) Just - ack. THE STUPID, IT BURNS.

the world at large, politics, what the fuck

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