[meme] I'm on a bridge. A metaphysical bridge. And I'm crossing over it. Possibly.

May 20, 2009 20:33

I'll say this: I hated taking Creative Writing as a class. Absolutely hated it, down to my bones, down to things further down than bones, because everyone there was so slow and for many of them, just plain not good at writing. (Yes, I'm rather vain, I know, I'm working on it.) But the one thing I do miss is constructive criticism. Now, for instance, I'm having what I perceive as a change in style, these sort of shifts that come along periodically, like shedding a skin and finding the pattern underneath slightly different. Not really noticeable, not yet, but it's bugging the hell out of me. I feel like: on the one hand, my plot and characterization are maturing, but on the other hand, the style in which they're writ is becoming more generic, less experimental, less imagery-based. Like, SUBTLETIES? If I'd had the idea for that now, I don't think it would have been written. Even my thoughts feel less original, but more tired repetitions of the same three hundred images that have been bouncing around the universe for years and years and years.

All of this, of course, sucks small round things, because I like having imagery. Like being kinda edgy, kinda out there.

If I were still taking that class? I'd have people to talk about it. Now, though: not so much. So the existence of this meme makes me very happy, and I hope you - the great and lovely f-list - do respond, honestly, because I want to get better; or fix what's broken; or even have you tell me I'm out of my fucking mind, there's nothing wrong.


ETA: Come on, no responses? That's just sad.

meme, the great and wonderful f-list

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