meme: eight things

Sep 20, 2008 21:37

So, guess what I did Friday night? That's right, I saw the cross-dressing Folger Shakespeare Theatre production of Romeo & Juliet with my mother! We were very bad theatregoers, mostly because she couldn't stop laughing at Juliet's flailing about. People actually got up and moved away. More - on the show, not badly-behaved mothers - later, though I will say this: the guy who played Mercutio was very, very good.

...Apparently, he was on The Wire. Which, you know, kind of figures.

1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people.

1. Books used to be my escape - my emotional barometer, too - but ever since the advent of mp3 players, music has taken that role. I still love literature, but these days it's rare for me to get all the way through a book that isn't pure humor.

2. I paint my nails fire-engine red, but not because I like the color.

3. When I'm bored, I pretend the space in front of me is an invisible keyboard and type out words and phrases, usually lyrics to the song I'm listening to or something I've just said. Other than dancing, it's the only type of muscle memory I actually employ in real life.

4. If I could learn to do anything, it would be to play the piano really, really well.

5. I don't believe in God, but sometimes I wish I did. Not because I need some higher power, or someone looking after me; spiritually, I know what I believe, and what I believe in. What I miss are the rituals; the stories; that feeling of... concentration, you find at religious gatherings, the force of belief. I try to replicate those in a secular way, but it doesn't work, not really.

6. I'm obsessed with makeup - my absolute dream job would be makeup artist for a Broadway theatre, and I literally squeal when I step into Sephora. Is it because I feel like I need to be different, or is it the power in being able to change your face, yourself, with a few strokes of a brush? Sometimes it seems MAC #14 is the closest I have to being a shapeshifter.

7. If my personality could be summed up in any song, I wish it could be the Mountain Goat's Dilaudid. I want so badly to be reckless and fluid and free, but instead I'm about as pragmatic as a rock.

8. When I watch television or a movie - not just look and listen to, but really watch - I tend to take on the characteristics of the strongest characters for hours afterwards. I'm unusually perceptive after Psych; bitingly sarcastic after House; focused and morbid after Dexter. After watching The Dark Knight, I just walked and walked, wanting to scream, wanting not only to watch the world burn, but to set the fire myself.

Tagging aunt_zelda, pogrebin, themollyedge, ticketsonmyself, and whatever other four people feel the urge to meme.

shakespeare, meme

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