Beast Over Flowers (5/?) - part 2

Aug 28, 2010 16:38

Title : Beast Over Flowers (5/?)

Author: shasha717

Pairing : Dooseob / Eventual Junseung

Rating : PG-13

Summary : Yang Yoseob  enters the Shinhwa High where he meets F4, Yong Junhyung, Son Dongwoon, Lee Kikwang and the last but not least, our almighty Yoon Doojoon.


Dongwoon had been particularly withdrawn recently, spending more time than usual away from F4. He preferred playing his violin outside in the snow.

Yoseob was walking right in to hear the beautiful violin playing by Son Dongwoon. He came up to the other male when one of the violin strings broke and cut his finger.

The red dark blood which dripped down into the white snow was eerily beautiful. Dongwoon cursed under his breath, while searching for his handkerchief, sadly, didn’t find any.

Yoseob came out of his hiding and took out Dongwoon’s handkerchief and without hesitation wrapped it neatly around the cut finger.

It never needed much explanation; the blonde had already sensed that the other didn’t want him to be there.

After bowing down to his sunbae, he then left his umbrella on the silent Dongwoon who refused to stay in a sheltered area despite the snow and went away.

The two didn’t know, there was a camera phone that taped the whole scene.

Doojoon’s good mood suddenly evaporated into thin air when he saw the video some girl had taken from afar. Yes, it included F4’s Son Dongwoon and Yoseob the Flower Boy. Although their encounter wasn’t warm and friendly -mostly prolonged silence-, it looked suggestive from distance. Which make our particularly Young Master to lose his happy-self.


Yoseob was sitting on the bench in the same park when he heard someone coming, he turned his head curiously, couldn’t help but hope…

Dongwoon sunbae?

Disappointed was written all over his face when he saw the person coming into the scene, because it was Yoon Doojoon that appeared into his vision.

“Disappointed that it wasn’t the person you wanted see?” Doojoon scoffed. His pride was hurt.

“None of your business,” Yoseob answered coldly. He started to walk away but stopped when he felt a strong grip on his arms.

“What?” Yoseob asked, without even looking to Doojoon. He tried to shake the grip off, but Doojoon was holding on too hard.

“I have something to say.” Doojoon said with a stern voice.

“Say it and let me go,” Yoseob nearly squeaked.

Ignoring the request, Doojoon purposely faced Yoseob towards him, and gripping him much tighter. He leaned down closer. “Who do you think you are? Don’t toy with me.”

“W-Who’s toying with who?” The blonde stuttered on the awkward closeness. “Let me go!”

To the contrary, the other male leaned much closer and gave Yoseob a passionate kiss, unlike the previous gentle one. The older male’s tongue tried to barge in to explore the unknown cavern, with the determination of marking his territory. He sucked the lower lip tentatively, tongue glazing over the delicious appendage. The elder then slightly biting into the flesh, ignoring Yoseob’s wince of pain.  Doojoon tongue wasn’t a friendly visitor either. But that felt unbelievably good. He isn’t a masochist, but Yoseob was almost letting himself to enjoy what was happening; he felt like he was being hypnotized by Doojoon.

But he then quickly came to his senses and struggled; they broke out from the kiss. Yoseob gasped for air and Doojoon with a smirk on his face, satisfied of his work.

“Don’t toy with the great F4,” Doojoon said with a huff.

The F4’s leader then walked off. Leaving the shocked and hurt blonde behind.


After that horrible incident (or could you say a happy event from your point of view), Yoseob refused to go to school for a couple of days. His parents were so worried about their son’s behavior. He was not their cheery-Yoseob. He was avoiding the F4. Especially that pig-head.

At least until an invitation came to his house. From Yoon Eunhye.

“Hello, I want to invite all of you to my home for my 24th birthday. Please attend.”

A white tuxedo was already prepared in the package. He would rather not go, but he felt it was rude not to attend. And then the next thing he knew, he was already on Yoon Eunhye’s party, alone.

Junhyung smiled weakly as the girls in front of him squealed, “Why didn’t you call me Junhyung-oppa? You said you would call, but you never did.” She said while pouting to him. Maybe she intended to be cute, but that was just gross.

The other nagged, “It seems like you don’t have a date. Why don’t I be yours?” The first girl glared to the other. “I set my eyes on him first! He’s mine!”

Junhyung rolled his eyes on the situation. Of course he was just being nice to girls when he said he would call. He was never the type to call, let alone go on a date with a same person. Then, suddenly the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of blonde hair.

“I’m sorry ladies, but I’ve already had a date this evening,” Junhyung excused himself by dragging Yoseob and said, “Honey, why are you so late? Why did you get here so late?” The girls’ eyes widened in seeing the date Junhyung was talking about.

Yoseob on the other hand, who noticed the situation, gave Junhyung a knowing look and decided to play along.

When they’re already out of sight from the scary girls, Junhyung asked the blonde, “You came here alone?” Quite a rhetoric question, he knows.

Yoseob nodded, not quite catching what the elder meant by his question.

The conversation was cut off when the Happy Birthday song was played.

Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday dear, Our Lovely Eunhye.

Happy birthday to you.

The lights were shut off while the attendance clapped along the song. They all fell into silence when Eunhye started speaking, “Thank you everyone for attending my 24th birthday celebration. Firstly, I would like to thank my dad and mom for their care and the love of my friends. I want to use this gathering to tell you something. That’s why I’m having party, which isn’t like me.” The audience let out a small laugh, knowing the statement was a fact.

Yoseob heard Kikwang whispered to Junhyung, “Where did our Woonie go?”

Eunhye then continued, “I will be returning to Paris next week and I have no intentions of coming back. Everything has been arranged.”

“What is she saying?” Yoseob nudged Junhyung, who didn’t know anything too.

“I’m blessed to have such parents; I could enjoy life without any hard experiences. But, to prove myself different, I won’t be inheriting my parent’s law firm. I’ll start anew, from nothing. People always thought I was kidding, but I really meant it. So I set up this stage, to tell all of you about it.” Eunhye finished with the thick silence filling the room.

“Dongwoon, did he already know about this?” Junhyung asked Kikwang, Kikwang just pouted because he didn’t know any of this too.

“Now we know why he’s been depressed all this time,” Kikwang said with a grim voice.

Yoseob couldn’t really decipher what he was feeling. Should he be happy when it’s his rival finally leaving?


Dongwoon was in Eunhye’s waiting room when the woman came into the room.

Angry was evident in his voice. “What am I to you?” He growled, not feeling slightly happy for his noona’s birthday party.

Eunhye gave him a knowing look while approaching him. “Our Woonie is really angry…”

“I feel like I’m being thrown away,” Dongwoon barked, ignoring his rude tone to his Noona.

“If there’s anything here that can’t be thrown away... It’s you.” Eunhye said while reaching for Dongwoon, trying to pat his head.

“Don’t lie to me!” Dongwoon swat off the hand, too angry for some comforting gesture.

The sudden raised tone in his voice startled her a bit. “If I was lying, I wouldn’t mind you looking at someone else.”

Dongwoon asked, clearly confused, “What do you mean?”

“When you ran towards that boy, I didn’t understand why my heart suddenly sank. It’s funny, right?” Eunhye let out a weak laugh.

Dongwoon’s eyes were widened in disbelieve. “I’m not in the mood to listen to you joke around.”

“I felt pleased, however. I didn’t know when our Dongwoon had finally become a man.” She continued with a small grin.

Dongwoon snapped, “Don’t joke around! You always do what you want. I can’t stay close, nor can I stay away. I’m only a toy. For the past fifteen years, I’ve only looked at you. Isn’t that enough?” Dongwoon paused to catch his breath, and then nearly yelled, “I’m also a man. I want to hold you, like a man.”

Eunhye approached her dongseng and gave him a hug. “I know. I’m sorry, Woonie. I’m really sorry.”

Dongwoon put his arm around her waist and the other hand stroking his beloved-noona’s cheek. He rose up his hand to hold up her chin and kissed her gently; their lips just held their stance, not melting into each other. Eunhye neither respond nor struggle. She knew she could at least let Dongwoon do this.

Yoseob was at loss of words as he watched the story flowed between Dongwoon and Eunhye. He saw the whole scenario through the slightly ajar door. He was about to knock the door when he saw the lip-locking action.

“It would be very embarrassing if you fainted here.”

That annoying voice that Yoseob very much hate. And he was correct; it was indeed Doojoon behind him. The atmosphere was a little bit uncomfortable after their last encounter.

“Who’s going to faint?” Yoseob said with a rather loud voice.

Eunhye took notice of the others’ presence; she came out of the room and saw Yoseob and Doojoon. “Yoseob-ah, you came? Why didn’t you come in?”

“T-That’s….” Yoseob felt like a thief who was caught stealing. “I-I just wanted to say thank you. I was about to go in.” Truth is, Yoseob wanted to persuade Eunhye to not leave.

“The party was boring right? We are going for a drive. Care to join us?” Eunhye suggested cheerfully.

“Eh?” Yoseob didn’t expect the invitation when suddenly Doojoon cut in, “No, it’s okay. We have our own plans.”

Yoseob turned to Doojoon with a puzzled look on his face but nonetheless, agreed. “Y-Yeah, Doojoon and I had something to do together. Goodbye, Eunhye-noona.”

“Let’s go!” Doojoon announced ecstatically. To make their act more convincing, he wrapped his sleek arm around the shorter male’s waist. This, Dongwoon noticed, while raising up a brow with interest. Since when they had such a good relationship? Didn’t they want to rip each other’s throat before?

After arriving at the club downstairs, Doojoon finally broke the awkward silence. “I have paid my debt.”

“What?” Yoseob narrowed his eyes, not quite understanding the statement.

“You saved me from the pool the other day. Today, I’m your savior,” Doojoon said while lifting up his shoulders.

Yoseob raised an eyebrow. “You call this repaying me?”

“Do you want to go back?” Doojoon retorted back.

Yoseob hesitated for a moment, when he finally spoke out. “10%. You have repaid me that much.”

Doojoon bargained, “50%.”

Yoseob then shrugged him off. “Fine, twenty-five.” The blonde then glanced around the club, feeling strange, “Why isn’t there a single customer?”

“I booked this place till morning. Just do what you want,” Doojoon answered calmly.

“What exactly that I want to do?” The blonde questioned with pure confusion.

“To cry or scream out? We can call in the security guards outside if you want to beat up someone,” Doojoon suggested.

Yoseob made a face. He stared to Doojoon as if he was crazy. “Why would I want to do that?”

“After you saw Dongwoon and Eunhye, didn’t you feel an urge to do something violent?

Yoseob scoffed. “Impossible. Someone like me will never compare to Eunhye-noona. I didn’t have the qualifications from the very start. Besides, if you haven’t realized, I’m a boy and she’s a beautiful woman.”

“You have the qualifications,” Doojoon supplied, averting his attention to his glass, avoiding the blonde’s gaze. “Dongwoon, that fool, if he had met you first instead of Eunhye, he would have liked you for sure.”

Yoseob didn’t really want to believe that the pig-head was actually complimenting him. “Did you just sincerely say those words?”

“You are the first commoner recognized by Yoon Doojoon. Your qualifications get full marks.” Doojoon said while letting out a chuckle.

Yoseob turned to Doojoon and for the first time, the blonde gave out a sincere smile from his heart, an adorable smile, which made the other’s heart pitter-patter and skipped a beat. And during that moment, Doojoon felt something, a feeling, strongly grew inside him. Is it too soon?

A/N: I know it's too cheesy and all, sorry =X comments and critiques are most appreciated! <3


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